Part 1

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Monday. It was a brand new day. I moved to a new school with the headmaster leading me to my class. I got pretty nervous, and I hated being nervous. Took a deep breath. Relax. People usually liked to meet a new student, so I got nothing to be nervous about. Especially the boys. They usually tried to get closer to any new girl in school, with their disgusting drool on their faces. Ugh.

The headmaster interrupted their lesson. "Class, meet your new student, Anna Obulun."

I smiled at my new class. And it faded, pretty quick. No one got excited or happy. They looked at each other saying 'that's her' or 'she's the bully' or 'I can't believe she's actually here'. Me? A bully? I came here to start new and fresh, especially after what happened two weeks ago, only to see people giving me odd stares. Nervous again. Hated it even more. Deep breath. Relax. I sat on an empty seat beside two students.

"Hey, what's your name?" I smiled at the one closest to me. We all had nametags, but I couldn't see one behind her arms. She didn't answer me. Instead, the one further from me replied.

"Anna, my name is Serena, and she's Nurul." Her voice showed nothing but irritation.

"Well, I hope we can get to know each other."

She glared at me before we all continued our class. This was not how I wanted to start. I'd rather have some boys drooling at me or biting their lips from my looks, than this.

The class ended half an hour later but we had one more class before recess. While I waited for the teacher to arrive, I should try to make some friends and talk to someone. I tried to talk to Nurul, which happened to be a terrible idea.

"Hey... Nurul?"

She was resting on her table. I just wanted to know if she had a... good sleep? Just trying to have a small talk. Don't judge me.


"Anna, why don't you back off." Serena snapped. Again with the same glare from before.

"I... okay."

Serena glanced at Nurul before she went back to her book. Nurul turned her head away from me. Shoot. I put my head on the desk and groan in my forearms.

I heard a chair shifted in front of me. "Anna, right?"

I looked up to see a girl. "Yeah. What's your name?"

"Name's Leah."

Her smile made my head raised. "Well, it's nice to see you. Like seriously." I tried to smile.

"I guess you're not having a good time here."

"Yeah. It's not that I hate here. It's just..." I leaned close to her and whispered, "I think a lot of people here think I'm a bully."

She chuckled. "I'm sorry but everyone knows you're a bully since last week."

"What?" I leaned back to my chair. "How did this happen?"

"Someone had been spreading rumours before you got here. I'm sorry."

"But you don't believe it, do you?"

"Hey, why did I start talking with you?" She smiled at me.

I smiled back, and stopped. "Here, I thought I could start over. No one would see me as this big bad guy."

"Hey, it'll work out. If you stay out of trouble, people will start to think differently about you."

I smiled again. "Thank you."

She gave me a look. "I'm sorry?"

"Thank you for this small little talk. It's pretty nice actually.

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