Killer butt;)

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Thanks for all the comments and such! I really hope I will get done withthis an edit this before maybe watty awards 2013 or 2014. Im a really slow writer as u can see! VOTE FAN AND COMMENT!


We landed on the shore of the island, and snuck stealthily up the shoreline. As we did this I extended my reach into the demon plane and sensed demons all around us.

"Guys," I said in a low whisper, "they know we are here"

"How?" Kidflash asked, but I quickly shut him up with my physic powers.

"Meghan, link us." I whispered.

A click sounded im my head.

As soon as I checked out that everyone was ready, we charged. Me with my magic, and everyone else doing what they do best, we dispatched the squad of lower demons in like 1 minute.

"Good Job." I said into my mind link, "thats how to kill some demons!"

"Thanks, you werent to bad yourself." Kidflash said as sexily as he could into the link.

Artemis punched him, and I rolled my eyes.

"Will you stop that? We have a mission!" Robin said fiercely, and we went on ahead.

As we walked throughout the place, we walked inside of a random castle. Weird, right? Weird paintings of suffering and death towered above us, and portraits of gruesome people stared from above.

"Is this creepy or is it just me?" Artemis said.

"Its just you, this remind me of my Uncle Paco's house." I said.

They all stared at me in disbelief.

"How can you live in a house like this?!" Meghan said, "Its all dark and dreary."

"If you haven't noticed, I'm a freaking ghost." I whispered flatly.

That ended our conversation, and a large wooden door stood in our way.

"Well, someone open it." Aqualad commanded.

I placed my hand on it, and it swung open.

"Well no need to rush."

We walked in only to be greeted by a large revolving chair. It swung around swiftly and-


He began to run, but he wasn't fast. At all. It was like he was a normal kid.

"I am not slenderman, as you humans call me. I am R'ahana L'ran." He said in a low voice.

"R'ahana L'ran means the Racing heart in Fraizė and in Pœltergeìst it mean The One Who Creeps." I informed the others

"You speak the language of the Death, do you child?" He asked hoarsely, "Ra'clin Tul Nro Trakkin."

"Death will come to those who choose." I translated. "Feau Rônßaom Ra'clin."

He chuckled "Fear has no power with death. Too true child, too true."

"Sooma tru pørtæ"

"Ramose la ręclīesæn"

We had a while conversation speaking my native tongue of Pœltergeìst. It was a meaningful conversation. I asked him what he wanted, he asked me if I wanted to join him. Etcetera Etcetera!

"Deathly One, I am going to have to ask you to leave." I finally said.

"Why ever? We were just having fun." He frowned.

"Well, lets see. You are a public offense to slenderman, you have demons, Which is against The Otherworldly Regulations, AKA TOR. And you are just plain creepy! So, get out."

"No can do, and I take offense to that." He laughed.

Then the room was filled with creepy demonites. Which is worse than normal demons.

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