4. Walter (fluff)

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weak - wet

By my fourth week in the BAU, Reid texted me often. Usually for work, to send me an address, communicate Hotch's instructions, or relay a new theory. Sometimes he'd send a one-word text: "coffee?" The answer was inevitably "please." A couple of times he'd sent me a link to an article that was related to my work or that he thought I'd find interesting. One time he asked me what kind of music I listen to. On average, I'd get a couple of texts from him. Like I said, mostly business.

And I'd text him back. The masters from Garcia. Ideas I wanted to run by him before I asked Hotch. I never sent any articles, though. I was afraid that they wouldn't be up to his standard. Not that he would judge me, Reid was too nice, but my pride was too intense. I sent him some songs when he asked, and a couple that reminded me of him later. Innocuous.


One morning Prentiss, Rossi, and I were hanging out downstairs, waiting for JJ to present the newest case.

"How much Italian do you know?" I asked Emily, who had just mentioned living in Rome as a child. 

"A decent amount. It's not perfect, but it's still there." She was dressed in a grey button-down and slacks. In my own dark blue sweater and black jeans, I felt slightly underdressed until I saw another agent walk by in blue jeans. 

"That's awesome. I've also loved Italian," I said. My phone buzzed. Reid's name appeared on the screen, above a familiar message.

Reid: Coffee?
Me: You know the answer
Reid: On my way

"Why are you smiling at your phone?" Emily asked suddenly. She searched my face. Ugh, profilers.

"Just a text," I said nonchalantly. She raised an eyebrow. I didn't want to say anything, especially not with Rossi here. He was amazing, but it was a little gossiping in front of your father.

"Oh really? From who?" she pressed. She had the slight air of a teenager who'd stumbled upon an excellent secret.

"From whom," Reid corrected, walking up behind her. He had two coffee cups in his hands. 

"Where's my coffee?" Rossi question with mock-indignation. 

"You should have laughed at my Dadaism joke," Reid said. He handed me a cup. I chuckled, remembering the joke. It really wasn't that funny, but the way Reid told it was highly entertaining. He was so excited. It was like watching a puppy. Emily was still looking at me, trying to find clues in my face.

"JJ will be ready soon. We should head up," I proposed. We made our way to the conference room.

"Why do I feel like I'm going to end up spending years of time on the plane?" I said into the air of the BAU jetliner.

"Because you are," Morgan answered, "It's a shame unsubs can't all live in a twenty-minute drive from D.C." I slumped in my seat. Flying is boring after a while, even in a fancy plane.

"Every serial killer in the same town? That sounds like a great recipe for disaster," JJ said. 

"At least they would having a higher chance of killing a murder instead of an innocent victim," Rossi pointed out from behind his book. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I perked up.

"What? Did you get another text?" Emily asked quietly from across from me. 

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