Chapter one

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I woke up to my mom's painful screams, "get up you bitch! I'm tired of seeing your ugly ass face." Tears welled up in my eyes I can't believe she said that to me. I'm so tired of waking up those horrid screams, I wish there was someone here to take me away. I got up from my crumb filled bed and slowly walked to the bathroom to shower. I put my greasy hair down and looked at my pitch-black undereye bags, "I'm so ugly, I'm never gonna get a boyfriend at this rate." I got into the shower and washed my crusty body. After I finished, I walked back to my room to change. I walked in and let out a scream.

Four pairs of eyes stared back to me in disgust, including my mom's. "Surprise whore, I'm selling you off. I need the money to continue my heroin addiction. Say hello to your new masters" explained my mom. I couldn't believe my ears, I'm free at last. Well not technically free free, but it'll do. I'm saying goodbye to this nasty chapter of my life and starting a new one. "Hey! Slut pay attention!" yelled my mom, snapping me away from my most inner thoughts. "Hello, it's time to leave, let's go," said a soft-spoken voice. Her voice was so calming like the rainbow after the storm. I looked up and saw a look-alike of the baby from the ice age movie. Next to her was a girl dressed in a yellow shirt, "Bello" she said to me. Weird, she sounded like a minion. Besides her was a girl with one repulsive mullet. I had to look away I can't stand hair like that. I looked up towards the ceiling and saw giant ass baby. She stared deep into my nasty eyes and gave me a wide smile, adorable is all I can say. My heart feels like it skipped a beat.

I was lost once again in my thoughts. I felt a big hand pull me through the door, my eyes trailed up and saw it was the girl who captivated me. I blushed, I suddenly remembered I was still in my towel. I yanked at her hand ever so lightly and said "Uhm excuse me, I'm naked under here." The tall girl looked down and said to not worry, they're going to supply me with clothes later. I swear dude, she blushed a bit. I'm not lying.

We finally reached the car. I was taken aback. It was a beat-up white van. Nasty. We struggled to get in as it appeared, we have stepped into the city's landfill. I was in between the ice age baby and minion. The tall girl got into the driver's seat and explained we were going shopping. Ooo exciting. I wonder where they are taking me to and who exactly are they.

This is just the beginning of my new and mysterious life. Stay tuned for the next update, Y/N signing off! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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