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Activation: Demon's breath and toad's tounge, turn this thing on!

Bring to hand: Now I command ________ to my hand!

Candle:Little nanny etticoat, with a white petticoat, and a red nose, the longer she stands the shorter she grows

Change hair:Beware foreswear replace the old with (adjective) hair

Counter - Beware foreswear undo, change hair

Cure:We all come from the forest, living in the forest, come back to the forest, with your injuries cured.

Daffodil: Daffy-down- dilly has come to town to see me, in a hello petticoat and green gown

Dark:Come that which cannot be seen,cannot be felt, cannot be heard,cannot be smelt, it lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills, it comes first and follows after, ends life

Eggs:Bring me a box without key or lid, but instead golden treasures are hid.

Erase: I will take and remove, the special power from you

(Must touch person's skin as well as chanting)

Counter: i bring back, what I've took, you receive it with a whack

(Hit person and the get their power back)

Invisibility :Under the hill and over the hills my paths lead and through the air I am thee who walks unseen.

Counter = You may walk unseen but you do not walk all the way

Levitation:Twist of hand and twist of fate, leave the ground and levitate, wing of bat and raven's eye, lift me up into the sky

Light:It is bright, let it shine, bring forth light

Mess up words:Bicker and holler, squabble and squawk, twist their word for when next they talk

Counter = Twisting words, talking absurd, eat something and this spell will be cured

Mountain:Make roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees, up up it goes, and yet never grows mountains

Open 1:Toad's breath and vampire's tickle, open up this door a little

Open 2:Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick

Rest:Way up in the sky, the little birds fly, while down in their nest, the littles ones rest

Sheild:I have foes at my door, with weapons they wield, I call upon a sheild

Silence:Its so fragile that when it mentioning breaks, you will now refrain for my sake

Counter- for your sake, let it break

Speed Reading:Read as fast as lightning speed, remember everything I need

Travel:Nobel steed proud and fair, now you will take me anywhere

Wind:Voiceless it cries, wingless flutters, toothless bites, mouthless mutters, I harness thee

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