● 07 ●

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Generally, I don't like to put author's note at the beginning; but this is important. The last update, which was a Valentine's day special update, was just for fun, it was nothing but to show how Shravan's mind works almost weirdly. But here, the story continues after chapter 6. So please do not try to find the continuity from the last chapter.

Again I repeat, the story moves on after chapter 6.


"So the date went well it seems!" The moment I enter the house, my father asks. There is something in his voice that I look at him carefully. 

Maa strolls around the dining room, "Oh come on! At least let her come inside." 

I put my shoes in the shoe cabinet near the main door, and place my feet in the slippers. "What's happening here?"

"Your father is just being grumpy!" Maa laughs, to that Papa rolls his eyes. "I talked to Mrs Malhotra. Now you know the reason."

I can feel my heart skip a beat, "And?"

"Such down to earth people they are, Suman! The way she talked, rather . . ." She fumbles with a proper word, "squealed, was very heart touching. She has asked us if they could visit soon."

Papa just grunts at it, "You are still too young to get married!" 

"She is 26. So please, stop it with your lame excuses." Maa laughs, "you need to meet the boy. From the glow that your daughter is having on her face, I reckon he makes her happy." She winks.

With a flushed face, I enter my room. Yes, indeed the date went well. We talked a lot, and somehow, being with Shravan seems very natural to me. Till now, he has shown only the positive side of him, but I am not foolish to believe what I have been shown. Every human being has both positive and less-positive traits. We can easily like the positive traits. But what we need is to look for those less-positive traits. One may tell me, I am over-analyzing things. But I am not the one who would just go with the flow. I need to know the things I am going to get into.

"Goodnight Suman. Just reached home."

12.30 AM

From: Shravan

Shravan had sent me this most probably after reaching home last night. I look at the time on my phone, 8 in the morning. I roll over, still half sleepy, but I decide to call him. He picks it up on the very first ring. "Hey, good morning," I say, my voice is hoarse from not talking for the last eight hours. 

"Good morning. Still in bed!" Shravan asks, his voice shook a little like he is in a moving vehicle.

"Where are you?"

"Told you about the meeting last night, remember? Going to meet them." 

"Should I call you later then?" I remember he said, he likes to drive his own car.

"No car's Bluetooth speaker is on. So I am good. Tell me."

I stifle a yawn."God! This is so early . . . When did you get up?"

"At 6."

I had to process what he has just said, last night he messaged me at 12.30. If that was the time he reached home, then it at least took him half an hour to get into bed. "When did you sleep?" I mumble.

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