- Chapter 4 -

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It had been a few isolated nights in the uzumaki apartment

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It had been a few isolated nights in the uzumaki apartment. Only one of the siblings being home. Even at school their was one less mischievous little girl. Nobody to keep the prankster Naruto in check. And Everytime his twin was brought up Naruto's temper would light up and he would start trouble.

Today was the day where he would meet his Sensei, and instead of sitting to clear his mind to try to figure out where his little sister could have went Naruto occupied himself with another one of his pranks. "If whiskers were here then Naruto would never get away with this," Sakura's judgmental attitude was a arrow that smashed Naruto's carefree bubble.

He stepped down from the step stool he was on and faced the bubble gum girl. "Don't mention my sister! You don't know anything about her, nobody does." Those words caught Sasuke's attention.

He turned his head and analyzed Naruto's figure. "Just say you don't know where she is idiot." Sakura who was well known to take Sasuke's side with everything quickly commented next," Yeah don't try to get all philosophical loser! I don't blame her for leaving. I don't know how she stayed this long anyways."

Their words made Narutos eyes dull. They didn't even know what happened, what she did. How was he always to blame for? Why was he called out for something he didn't do wrong.

What really hurt was when he realized his sister wasn't here to retaliate for him. That's when he truly understood that she left him because he pushed her away instead of trying to understand her side of the story. He acted like the people who punished him for having a beast of him, not understanding the full story of Narutos background. He was just like Sakura and Sasuke. So his anger diminished and he lost all of his fighting spirit. He calmly took his seat and stared at the door. "whatever..." He mumbled.

Sasuke was the perceptive one and quickly took note of how Naruto quieted down even with Saukras babling in the background. Was something really wrong with the uzumakis? Those two were as thick as (this ass 😩) thieves. What happened to cause these two to seprate? For whiskers to leave her brother, Sasuke understood his misinterpreted the situation. But since sorry wasnt in his vocabulary he simpled looked away from the blonde.

"Sakura, shut up."

"Yes sasuke-kun!"

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