chapter 5: only for a minute

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ITS BEEN FOUR  moons since the Gathering and Mapleshade had never been more close the cat who had brutally murdered Reedshine, Bloomheart and those three rogues.

Stemwing had been going on about hunting Redriver down and killing him once and for all, but Oakstar spoke against it, saying that they'll only attack if the tom is on their territory. Mapleshade knew that Stemwing would forever hate Redriver for killing his close friend, and she knew that Appledusk would stop at nothing to kill Redriver if he found out the truth.

Mapleshade had been meeting Redriver at Twolegplace every night. She had grown strong feelings for the loner and had told him three moons ago, and he accepted to be her mate.

She knew that she was being hypocritical. She ended it with Appledusk because she didn't want to betray her Clan, but something about Redriver was intoxicating and he seemed so charismatic. Mapleshade couldn't help herself.

But now things were different, and she had to see him right away.

She had raced across her territory and found Redriver at the edge of WindClan territory, a rabbit in his jaws. That's another thing she loved about him, he can slip through a cats paws like a snake. She doubted any of the Clans would catch him in their territory stealing their prey. Must be his ShadowClan blood.

Redriver turned his head and met her gaze. He quickly padded toward her and placed the rabbit down in front of her. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous to be this close to the WindClan border."

"I had to see you," Mapleshade meowed, shifting her paws. "There's something you need to know."

The loner flicked his ear, waiting patiently for her to continue. Mapleshade took a deep breath. "I'm expecting your kits."

There was a flash of orange as Redriver's eyes went wide. "Are you sure?"

Mapleshade nodded. The killer tom curled his tail over his back. "I'm going to be a father," he purred. "But these kits will have three Clans in their blood. ThunderClan, RiverClan and ShadowClan. How will your Clanmates feel about that?"

"They won't know," she answered. She noticed Redriver flinch. "At least not at first," she went on. "I will raise them as ThunderClan until they have been fully accepted. Then every cat will be able to cope with the truth. Why should it matter that their father doesn't live in a Clan?"

The fur on her mate's shoulder's twitched. "You have great faith in your Clanmates," he muttered.

"No, I have faith in StarClan, and in the warrior code."

"You think StarClan approves of what we're doing?" Redriver narrowed his orange eyes.

"I think our warrior ancestors know that ThunderClan needs kits and we are providing them. How can our innocent kits not have their blessing? They will grow up to be fine warriors, loyal to ThunderClan." Mapleshade turned away before Redriver could say anything else. "I must return to my Clanmates before they come looking for me. Perhaps it's best if we don't see each other again until our kits have come." She looked back at him, he was picking up the rabbit again.

"I will be thinking of you," he replied and she licked his cheek before padding away into the woods.

The next day, Mapleshade was nudged awake by Nettlepaw. "Mapleshade, wake up! Beetail wants you to go on a dawn patrol. You're late!"

"All right, Nettlepaw. I'm coming." Mapleshade heaved herself to her paws. Last night, she felt the kits stirring inside her for the first time. Is it because your father knows about you now?

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