2 Years Difference OK?

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SO I am 18. I am a freshman in a small Junior College locally and it's like two miles from my old high school. Last night was my old high schools homecoming game and air band so I went. I know everyone in the high school as it was a fairly small one minus most of the new students there but I'll go and visit some of my friends that are there between classes because the staff likes me so they allow it like they do with about half of my graduating class. Now at the football games no one goes to watch the games, they only go to socialize with people and I was hanging out with a group of friends three of which are juniors and were on the cross country team with me, two of which were part of my graduating class and go back to visit like I do, and then there was a girl I had never met before. I learned that she turned 16 in August I'm pretty sure but I'm not completely positive, is a Sophmore at the school, moved here recently from Texas, a complete southern bell, is incredibly cute, and has a TON in common with me. So we talked a bunch and we all learned that the air bands weren't at the field but somewhere like 10 minutes away and she didn't have a ride so she got a ride with my friend D: she decided at the game that from then on we were best friends haha so we went in and sat down with a few friends including one of the girls from the cross country team that was in the original group at the game and had introduced me and this girl (whose name is Sonja [pronounced Sonia] which I find to be a very cute name) and once it was all over she had to go really quickly and said "Bye bestie" then gave me a hug and left.. We texted till about 11pm last night and then have texted all day today. Now the thing is I'm 18 and she's only 16, but as long as there is absolutely no sex involved then it's not like it is illegal or anything. So what do you guys think about it? I personally don't think 2 years is all that bad even at this age. But I want to know opinions.. Usually your 14-15 as a freshman, 15-16 as a sophmore, 16-17 as a junior, and 17-18 as a senior..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2012 ⏰

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