Full Recap

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Hey guys!

I'M ALIVE! AND SO IS WOLFSTAR! To anyone still reading this or hoping for an update: I'm so grateful you stuck by this story and I hope you're as excited about the end as I am. It's taken us almost 6 years to get here so I hope it's worth it!

To anyone who's forgotten about this: firstly, I don't blame you (I'm the worst) and secondly, I hope you follow me or the story so this update notification jogs your memory and makes you sO EXCITED you just have to put down whatever you're doing right now and read.

Basically, I went back and edited Chapters 57 and 58 because (spoiler alert) I killed Wolfstar and it was possibly the most stupid decision I've ever made (again, I'm the worst).

So now is the perfect time to go back over those couple of chapters and remind yourself what was going on with my babies before I abandoned them (second spoiler alert - Drarry KISSED, Harry DIED and then came back even SASSIER [Sassy Harry is LIFE] so it got INTENSE), and also hopefully be very happy that a certain woofer and his werewoofer boyfriend are still alive - because I'M BUZZING I don't know about you.

But anyway - final chapters very soon to follow (for real this time - I'm trying to be less the WORST) and I hope they're up to scratch. Below is a complete recap of the whole story so far! There's a slight trigger warning highlighted by asterisks during Fourth Year.

Also fyi I'm currently meant to be writing my dissertation but fUCK THAT DRARRY IS MORE IMPORTANT.

Happy Reading :-)


In general, the story follows the course of the original, but with a few little twists here and there for my own (and hopefully your) enjoyment.


Draco is a little shit. He plays two pranks on Harry - he sends him an embarrassing Valentine and then tampers with his potion so it makes Snape's hair go pink. Harry's a drama queen so he feels like his life is RUINED and Draco starts to feel guilty about it. But he's still a little shit.

He and Harry meet in the Astronomy tower by accident and Draco sees his chance to call a truce, although Harry is suspicious at first. The two slowly become *friends, but Harry doesn't tell Ron or Hermione. They make a base in the Astronomy tower to meet and play chess. Meanwhile, the Basilisk is still wiping out Muggleborns left, right and centre and Draco thinks Harry's up to something.

Obviously he's right, and when Ginny gets kidnapped (cry) he follows Harry and Ron to go and see Lockhart (loser) and ends up in the Chamber of Secrets having a sass off with Ron (noice).

Harry and Draco promise to stay in touch over the summer and the cute banter continues all the way into...


The school year starts as in canon, with Lupin being a legend and Draco being a slightly taller little shit. But his friends think he's slacking in his shitty-ness, and remind him of all the awesome pranks they wanted to play on Harry... just as Harry comes into the room.

And he is MAD. He tells Draco that they were never friends and they never will be, but Lupin sees through his lies and reminds him that just because Draco was a little shit doesn't mean he can't change. We also don't get to see what Draco's Boggart is, to his relief.

Meanwhile, Fred puts the moves on Hermione (yas). Harry eventually forgives Draco (woop), but still gets him back with a little prank of his own (lol). But Draco's got another secret (*dramatic gasp*).

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