Chapter 9

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The next full moon had arrived, and like the last, Maddy spent it with McGonagall. Minnie told the young girl more stories about the Marauders, and like the last time, Maddy held on to every word.

When Maddy packed her few belongings that she had brought to Minnie's the morning after the full moon, to her surprise, and despise for that matter, none other than Severus Snape had come to pick her up.

"Your father had a rough full moon last night." said Snape without a drop of sympathy in his voice, "I will be subbing his third year class this morning." His hands rubbed together as if forming an evil plan, "Come along, Lupin."

Maddy apprehensively followed Snape to her father's classroom. Most of the third years were already there, though Maddy noticed a vacant seat in between Ron and Hermione, which Harry was not occupying. Maddy made her way to the front of the classroom, and sat at the only seat by itself, which students had deduced 'The Little Lupin Lounge' despite being just a regular desk.

"Professor Lupin is feeling too ill today to teach his class. And since he has left no records as to saying what you have done..."

Maddy's hand shot into the air, despite her not actually being a student, and to get Snape's attention, she banged her other hand on the table. I can tell you what we have covered. We've done...

"That is enough, Miss Lupin. I am sure you are well aware that I am unable to understand what you are saying." Maddy's expression dropped rather quickly, she pulled out writing materials from her bag, and began to write down the list of what they had covered so far.

Snape looked ready to continue his rant when the door flung open, and Harry dashed inside, "Sorry I'm late, Professor Lupin, I -" He stopped when he realized that Snape was at the desk, not Remus.

"The lesson began ten minutes ago, Potter, so I think we'll make it ten points from Gryffindor. Sit down."

Maddy looked up from her half written lesson plan to see that Harry hadn't moved from his spot at the door. "Where's Professor Lupin?" He asked. Maddy tensed at the question.

"He says he is feeling too ill to teach today," Snape gave Harry a twisted smile. "I believe I told you to sit down?"

Maddy wasn't too happy with Harry's curiosity at the moment. "What's wrong with him? And why is Maddy here if Professor Lupin isn't?"

Snape's look concerned Maddy. His black eyes were glistening, and Maddy hoped for a good excuse as to why she was there. "Nothing life-threatening," he said at last, but his tone made it seem as if he wished it was. Maddy glared at him as he continued, "Maddy is being watched by me, since Lupin isn't feeling well enough to watch her himself." He glared at Harry, "Five more points from Gryffindor, and if I have to ask you to sit down again, it will be fifty."

Harry reluctantly sat down, and Maddy quickly scribbled down the rest of what the third years had learned.

"As I was saying before Potter and Lupin..." he stopped briefly, as if the two names together gave him a feeling of déjà vu. "Interrupted, Professor Lupin has not left any record of the topics you have covered so far -"

Maddy banged the desk even harder than the first time, causing multiple students to jump. She stood up and walked to Hermione, who she knew would help her and placed the parchment on her desk. She took her pointer finger and made a circle around her ear the symbol for 'aloud', which Maddy hoped that Hermione would pick up.

"Lupin, sit down, or in two years the first thing I'll do when you get sorted is take house points." Maddy didn't move, she only gave Snape her most menacing glare over her shoulder, before turning back to Hermione. She put her finger to her lip, and dropped it in front of her 'say' before repeating 'aloud'.

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