Intro (dream)

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I reach for the gun that lies on the table trying to be as quiet as possible. It doesn't work; the man in black is right behind me.
His voices is deep and strong when he demands "if you take another step, I'll blow you to bits."
I feel like a coward, afraid of what will happen next. I'm sweating like I've never sweat before. I rub my hand on my forehead to remove some sweat.The I realize I'm bleeding. There's a cut that travels across my forehead, I also have blood on my arms which I didn't realize till now.

The man says "turn around and tell me your name".
As I turn to face the man a stream of light passes his face. I recognize the face an old friend from high school.
It's Eric, I look up into his big brown eyes and then scan his dark brown hair. He's a lot taller than me so I fell so defenseless by him. I think back to the past all the fun times we had together. His mouth drops open.
"Tory?", He says.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"You look like a wreck, your covered in blood and..."
I interrupt him and say "who are you working for? Are you trying to get me off task? Is that what it is?"
"No!", says Eric. "It's just that..."
Eric bends over so that his mouth is by my ear and say "there after you"
"Who's after me?", I say. "What do they want from me?", I ask. His mouth opens to give a response but I awake.
I feel tugging on my arm, it's Clare.
So this is the intro to my book of The Secretes That Are Kept please comment and tell me what you think about it! Thank you!!

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