1 || But First, Coffee

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"You are strong. You are beautiful," I said dreamily, sitting alone at a round table on the spacious patio outside of the cafeteria at work.

My lunch hour was my favorite part of the day. I enjoyed the solitude when the hectic lunch crowd thinned out. I wasn't a brooding loner or anything; I occasionally had lunch with a few people from work. A book and a cup of coffee was all I needed to recharge myself for the rest of the day.

"Buck up, buttercup," a familiar voice said brightly, interrupting my relaxing chant.

Summer Bradlee set a tall clear plastic cup filled with delicious-looking caramel cold brew in front of me, and my heart raced at the sight of pure beauty.

Hello, gorgeous, I thought to myself with a big smile.

"There's the smile I adore and love," Summer said, grinning and throwing her tiny little body into a chair next to mine.

"Thank you, Summer."

Her name accurately described my co-worker – a bright ray of warm sunshine packaged in a five-foot five cute brunette with wide chocolate brown eyes and dimples whenever she flashed a genuine smile.

"You are strong," she said seriously. "You are beautiful, Cat. Don't forget that."

"Uh, I was talking about my coffee," I admitted, looking down at my almost-finished fourth cup of coffee in my hands.

Summer laughed, and I swallowed the last of the lukewarm beverage to enjoy the fresh cold brew.

"Of course, you were," she said, sipping her own caramel cold brew. "Listen, Cat, hang in there. I know this wasn't what you expected when you were hired full time."

What I expected when I accepted the paid position was becoming a full-fledged interior designer with a wise and kind mentor and amazingly creative projects. Instead my duties remained exactly the same when I was an unpaid intern last year: sorting and delivering mail and making numerous coffee runs. Except now I had my own computer and desk.

I spent last year working my ass off at Ward Designs, a highly reputable interior design business, and studying to graduate with honors at the local university. I honestly believed my time and effort would be rewarded with something good. I was an idiot.

I reluctantly accepted my fate last week when the boss' fourth personal assistant in a year ran out of the office in tears. According to Summer, the boss specifically demanded "that coffee girl" become her temporary personal assistant until a new team of interns were chosen.

"You really are a great asset to the team," Summer reassured me. "Everyone likes you, and you've been doing a great job."

It's not that hard to sort and deliver mail, I thought sourly. Plus, I actually don't mind making the coffee runs as I am a self-diagnosed coffee addict.

"Plus, you were the only intern that had been hired full time," she pointed out proudly, making me feel slightly ashamed of my rotten attitude.

"Thanks," I said, feeling a tiny bit better, as I thought about the other four interns that didn't know what to do after graduation.

The others had been envious and surprised about the job offer, but I knew that would disappear quickly once they heard my duties stayed the same. I wouldn't be surprised if they placed bets on how long I would last now that I was at the boss' beck and call.

"Anytime, kiddo," she said, standing up and adjusting her pale pink skirt that complemented the dark pink blouse. "I need you to be completely honest with me, Cat."

Bittersweet Confessions || PUBLISHED!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum