Chapter One

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13th of 3rd Era

I'm making haste to The Imperial City, for the assassins are coming to kill me any day now.
Do you want to know why i'm running from the assassins, and why they are after me? Well, it was supposed to be a simple job, Get in, kill the target. and get out... as easy as that. but when I lock picked the door guards were in the house waiting for me.. I was tricked... And because of that the guards put me under arrest.. They tortured me and forced me to tell where the assassins hide out is.
After that I escaped, and got on the first boat heading to Cyrodiil, I was lucky to find a kind enough Nord to take me here. I should be arriving at the city 4 days from today.

14th of 3rd Era

I have found a journal stashed away under the bed mattress... It has a nords journal entries... I guess I should keep it for now

15th of 3rd Era

This boat is very smelly, the sweat of the nords smells like a body that had been rotting in a wardrobe for ages. I almost can't stand it anymore

16th of 3rd Era

The boat is cold and waves crash against the side and make the boat rock back and forth, this is horrible.... the only person that respects me on this boat is my friend Hirigan, everyone else yells at me, and say "Get away you foul animal!" The people of this country are against many of the things we Argonians do I guess.

I put the journal down and sighed, were the assassins really coming to kill me? Are they seriously after me... Just because I told the guards where there hideout is?
I ignored the urging fact that I escaped from the prison and that my own kin are trying to kill me and laid down on the bed. If I'm arriving tomorrow to the city, I should be prepared.
I woke up, the boat rocking back and forth, making me slightly dizzy. My friend ran into the room and started yelling at me excitedly
"RUIN!! Wake up you lazy fool!!" Hirigan was smiling
"Ugh, leave me alone Hirigan..." I groaned
"We are almost to The Imperial City!" he yelled at me louder
"Okay, Okay. Just let me get dressed..." I got out of the bed, the only thing i had on was a loin cloth. I walked over to my wooden dresser and opened it. The only clothes that I could bring with me on the escape inside. Sighing, I took them out of the dresser, they were old and dirty. I put them on, the texture was rough and painful.
I picked up my silver sword and put it on my side, it was dull... maybe there is a blacksmith in the town. I walked out of my room and went to the top deck, the stone city looking as if it were glimmering in the morning sun. The beauty of the city was remarkable! Complete stone, with a great tall tower in the middle of the city.
As the boat got closer you could see the detail they had put into the city, designs on the city walls, statues on the top of them, a truly remarkable sight to see.
"It beautiful!" Hirigan came up behind me and slapped me on the back.
"Yeah.... It probably the most beautiful city i've seen." I giggled and the boat pulled up into the docks, the 50 people that were on the boat started to get off. Me and Hirigan, Being the low lifers we are, had to get off of the boat last to not get hit, punched, or even killed.
"Ruin?" Hirigan poked me in the arm
"Hmm?" I looked at him
"Thank you..." he looked down
"For what?" I poked the top of his head
"For being there.... for me.... you pretty much saved me on the boat! Also, you realized that I am a good person the first time you saw me..... A...A-"
I pulled him into a hug "You are welcome.... Really......"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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