chapter 26

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They stayed at the lake until it was time to pick Thomas up from school. When the school came into view Ben squeezed Rey's hand. They stood outside of the school just as the bell went. Suddenly heaps of kids started spilling out of the school. Thomas came racing out, adjusting his massive backpack as he ran out with his friend Jake. Thomas ran up to the both of them and hugged them with a lot of energy.

"how was your day?" asked Rey.

"it was awesome, Jake and I learnt about the alphabet" he smiled proudly up at them before turning back around to look at Jake. Rey noticed Alice and Jake walking up to them. Thomas ran quickly up to Jake while Rey and Ben walked over to Alice.

"well the boys seem to be great friends" said Alice with a smile.

"Yeah!" said Rey smiling back at her.

"Hey, considering that they are friends. Jake was wondering if Thomas would like to stay over at our place this weekend" Alice asked with a smile. Rey looked up at Ben surprised and she couldn't help the smile on her face.

"sure, if it is alright with you" she said smiling at the boys who were running around the adults. Alice agreed and they set a date for a sleepover from the Friday after school to the Saturday. With a parting wave they both went different directions.

Rey and Thomas both were heading towards the hills when she felt Ben stop.

"what's the matter?" Rey asked looking back at Ben.

"come with me, it's a surprise" Thomas came racing up at the word surprise. Ben picked him up and placed him on his shoulders and Thomas giggled.

"does mummy know about the surprise?" Thomas asked looking down at Ben.

"No, I have no idea" Rey said back at Thomas while giving Ben a confused look. Ben only smiled at her. After 5 minutes of walking Rey noticed that they had arrived at a neighbourhood just on the fringes of the village. Ben kept on walking till the end of the street. He placed Thomas back on his feet and grabbed Rey's hand.

"surprise" he said looking towards a house. Rey looked at him in disbelief.

"what!?" she said staring at the house in front of them. Thomas looked confused and excited.

"it's our new home" Ben said while drawing circles on the back of Rey's hand. She looked back up at Ben and she scrunched her face up in surprise.

"wow" whispered Thomas.
"can we go inside?" he asked bouncing on his feet. Ben walked Thomas towards the door and unlocked the house. The interior was huge compared to what she was used to. The first floor held an elegant kitchen, lounge room, bathroom, laundry and one bedroom. The upstairs held a massive bedroom complete with an ensuite (it was all massive) and a balcony. Rey and Thomas both explored the house for the rest of the afternoon while Ben went and bought over their small amount of belongings from the Hut.

Rey had never experienced a real home before. Sure she had a home at the resistance base but this was different, she had a family to share it with. Furniture already came with the house including a screen thing that Ben had called a TV. Thomas was very excited about his new room. It was a lot bigger then the Hut he had been sleeping in, but he was also excited that the kitchen was right next door. She remembered their conversation.

"are you alright being downstairs while dad and I are upstairs?" she had asked him while they were making his bed.

"yeah, I will be fine because I have the kitchen right next to my room so if I ever get hungry or scared I can just go eat" she laughed at him. She had to admit he had a pretty good way of dealing with things.

After they had dinner for the first time in their new house Rey, Ben and Thomas went into the kitchen to clean up. Thomas gave up very easily and they couldn't blame him, he wasn't too strong so he couldn't put the plates in the machine nor could he reach the sink. He sat on the couch and Ben went to turn on the TV for him.

After everything was clean Rey went upstairs to have a shower. She made quick work of getting her clothes off and hopping into the shower. She let the hot water untie any knots in her muscles and she sat under the water admiring what had happened that day.

She didn't want to take too long in the shower so she got out and dried herself off. When she looked in the mirror she could see the bruising on her ribs had almost disappeared completely. She still hated the sight of them, each one a tiny reminder of what he did. Trying to forget what happened, she got dressed into some black pyjamas and went downstairs again.

She walked out to Ben sitting upright on the couch and Thomas was cradled in his arms and they were both watching the screen. She sat down next to them and lent her head on Ben's shoulder and he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

It didn't take long for Thomas to fall asleep, his cheek rested on Ben's chest and his mouth slightly hung open. They both got up and walked over to Thomas's room all the while Thomas was being carefully balanced in Ben's arms.

They placed him down gently into his bed and they both gave him a kiss on the forehead after he had been tucked in. Rey yawned and suddenly she felt really tired, it wasn't too late but she and Ben made their way upstairs. After they had both crawled into bed she looked up at him.

"thankyou" she placed a kiss on his lips and he looked down at her. He smiled back and returned another kiss.

"how did you get this house?" she asked after they pulled apart.

"my mum and dad kept a bank account here as I use to visit this planet regularly so I pulled some money out and got this house, I kinda thought that the huts were a bit small" she smiled up at him.

"it's perfect" she wrapped her arms around him and he chuckled down at her. He put his lips to her forehead and she leant in closer to him, letting the cool night take over their senses.

I figured out a new ending because it would have been too long a story so I'm gonna start writing again soon!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to leave me any suggestions + Reylo coming real soon.

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