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Fin left Olivia in his office before going to get her and the boys stuff to drink. He brought juice boxes for the boys and a water bottle for Olivia. He sank down beside Olivia and tried to figure out where to start.

"Who's the dad?" Fin asked quietly.

"I don't know... either George or Dominick... but I need help, Fin. I came back because I need my family right now." Olivia spoke quietly.

"They have gotten so big." Fin sighed, as he looked at the boys.

"Michael loves to walk around and get into everything," Olivia spoke as she smiled at her sons. 

"Liv, why did you leave without telling anyone?" Fin asked quietly.

"I don't know... I guess that I was scared of everything. Like how I slept with both George and Dominick on the same day. How I felt so lonely that it was crazy, even though I have two sons and the squad."

"Are you doing okay? Is the baby okay? Do you have enough money?" Fin asked.

"I have money... I've been working a little bit here and there. But mostly just staying with the boys... but I can't do it any longer. I'm going to have four kids in a matter of months." Olivia breathed.

"Four?" Fin asked.

"Uh, twins... I found out only a few months ago..." Olivia breathed. She sat her water bottle down before ran her hands over her stomach. She was wearing black all the time to try and hide how absolutely huge she felt and how she felt she looked and it helped her deal with her embarrassment too. She was embarrassed that she didn't know who the father was and wanted to hide her pregnancy most of the time.

"Twins." Fin breathed, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Did you get my message about the house?" Olivia asked because she was hoping her house would still be there and be ready for her to live in.

"I cleaned out the fridge and it's ready for you to go back too... are you staying in town?" Fin asked.

"I think so... my kids need their family. I need my family."

"Okay. Do you want me to contact Dominick?" Fin asked.

"Is Dominick still in town?" Noah asked slowly. 

"He is, little dude... but I won't tell him you're in town." Fin spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"Thanks, Fin. Uh, I won't be trying to steal my job back... trust me." Olivia laughed weakly.

"C'mon. I'll follow you home."


Olivia walked into her house and felt at home suddenly. She hated the apartment that they had been living in Florida, and the heat wasn't helping her in her pregnancy. Olivia walked around first, checking on everything, before heading back out to where Fin and the boys were waiting on the porch. 

"Everything is good." Olivia breathed. Noah helped his brother inside as the sound of a car coming to a quick stop turned Olivia and Fin around.

"Oh shit." Fin sighed, and Olivia gnawed on her lip as she watched Dominick get out of his car. He stomped up the path and stared at Olivia.

"Where the hell were you?!" He demanded.

"None of your damn business!" Olivia squeaked.

"You took my sons away from me!" Dominick spat.

"You chose Amanda over me. You hadn't seen your sons in months! They don't mean anything to you because they aren't from Amanda! They are from me!" Olivia yelled. She turned to the side to try and get past him, but Dominick stopped her.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, and Olivia groaned as she moved her hands to her stomach.

"You fucked me when you were still with Amanda... you broke my heart because you made me feel great and then horrible within a few seconds. So please leave me alone. Leave the boys alone." Olivia spat. She moved up the path and to the house. She walked through the front door and quickly shut and locked it. She leaned against it as she felt the babies move inside of her swell.

"I'm sorry that you are stuck with me, but at least I'm better than him or the other man that could be your father," Olivia mumbled.


Fin checked in on Olivia and the kids every day after work. She was slowly adapting to life in Manhattan again, but being in Manhattan meant that she was around the two men that could be the fathers to her babies. Olivia finally gave in and decided to do the amnio to get the DNA tested to figure out if George or Dominick was their father. While there, she also found out about the fact the twins were girls.

It was about another two weeks before the test results came back, and Olivia was almost devastated when she opened them up and read them. She knew that one would take charge of the twins and be there for them, but the other would probably be as distant of a father as possible.

Olivia left the kids with her old sitter, before heading to tell the twins' father about them and about the fact that he was going to be a father again. Olivia stood in front of the door for several moments as she tried to prepare herself for breaking the news. She was excited about her babies, but she didn't know if their father would be.

Olivia eventually knocked before standing back. She rubbed her stomach gently as she waited. After several moments, the door opened slowly.

"What are you doing here?"

"Dominick, I know that I have made mistakes... a lot of them... but these little girls aren't mistakes. And I hope you believe that too because they are your daughters." Olivia spoke. Dominick blinked a few times before shaking his head.


"No?" Olivia breathed.

"Just because George doesn't want to be a father to his kids-"

"Oh my god, Dominick Carisi! Read these fucking lab reports before claiming that these aren't your daughters! I know that you hate me and you hate everything that has to do with me, but I thought that you'd at least want to know that you are going to have four kids. I'm putting your name on their birth certificates, but you don't have to do anything if you don't want to." Olivia spat. She turned and headed down the hall, but then she was stopped by Dominick. He grabbed her arms and turned her around slowly before staring at her as her breathing hitched.

"I don't know what to do with you anymore." He breathed.

"What do you mean?" Olivia whispered.

"You drive me absolutely nuts, Olivia... everything about you... and it makes everything harder on me because I still love you. Because I love you and the kids..."


"Shh." He whispered before leaning close and kissing Olivia's lips softly.

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