Chapter Four

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We got out of the car and Kane gave his keys to the valet who was an old man with a friendly smile. I smiled back. Kane held my hand, but didn't walk too quickly.

"Hello. Name and reservation, please?" The man at the door didn't bother to look up.

Kane didn't bother to speak, so I spoke up, trying to break the awkwardness that was building.

"Hendrix. His name is Kane Hendrix." I told the man politely.

"Violet, shut your fucking mouth." Kane all but growled at me through his gritted teeth. "I told you how this event would be going tonight."

I felt my stomach drop. I'd just tried to be helpful while he was being rude. It was not my fault he wanted to be arrogant.

The man looked mortified and began spewing apologies to Kane. Clearly, my new dominant was somebody people knew and a few feared. Kane growled something at the man that I didn't focus on. I was too worried about having disappointed Kane.

He picked me up and set me on his shoulder. The order to cross my legs and sit up straight was barked and I did as told. I didn't want to look sloppy or make him look bad.

He found our seats quickly and before I could comprehend what was happening I was staring at the floor. A harsh smack landed on my ass, leaving a painful sting and making me yelp in surprise. He was publicly spanking me! I wanted to cry from pure humiliation.


"You listen to instructions I give you." Kane told me, pulling me back up so that I could see all the shocked faces that were staring at me. "Understand?"

"Yes, sir." My voice wobbled as I hadn't started crying yet. "I'm sorry, sir."

I could my ass burning almost as much as I could feel my face burning. Kane guided me into the chair next to him, smirking at the little jump I made when my butt made contact with the chair.

"Good girl, Violet." He whispered into my ear when the dinner had started. "Eat and we can leave."

I ate quickly. I did not want to be here anymore. Kane made several announcements to the group of people that was dining with us. I didn't listen. I was too angry and humiliated to pay attention to anything besides myself. He spanked in front of strangers. I wanted to burst into tears. My ass was still stinging.

The room applauded and he sat back down. He finished his food quickly before picking me up and walking us out the door. As soon as we got into the car I knew he was either going to yell at me or I was going to yell.

"You handled that punishment very well, Vi." He told me, using a nickname that I only allowed my friends to call me. "I told you to behave and I warned you that I did not care where we were."

"Thank you." I said quietly. "Not to be rude, but I don't want to talk. I'm mad and I'm just going to get upset."

He literally laughed at me. I wanted to scream.

"I don't give a shit what you want. Why are you mad?" This man was either an idiot or he was egging me on.

"You did that in front a room full of strangers!" I cried, the tears deciding now was the best time to fall. "That was humiliating."

I was just happy I hadn't cried in front of all those people.

"Yes, exactly. You'll never have to see them again." He shrugged. "So, why give a fuck about it?"

He didn't understand. If he seriously didn't understand why I was upset, I was going to lose it. Actually, it didn't matter if he understood or not, I was going to lose it either way.

"Because, Kane! That's mean! I didn't embarrass you, you embarrassed and you act like such a prick!" I was furious now. "Fuck what you did!"

"Shut your fucking mouth, Violet." Kane growled, his hand popping my cheek again. "I don't care if you're fucking upset, you'll be respectful."

"I'm not talking to you!" I cried.

"That's fine." He shrugged. "You'll have to speak when we get home or you'll be sorry."

I didn't care about what he'd said. He pulled into the driveway and watched as the gates locked behind he car. He parked it. I tried to open the door. Stupid luxury brand cars didn't have normal fucking handles. I couldn't figure out how to open the door.

"Something you need?" He asked, smirking at me.

"Yes, sir." I rolled my eyes. "I can't open the door."

"Roll your eyes again and I'll fix that habit of yours." Kane threatened, making me look at him. "I'm sorry you felt humiliated. Next time, listen to the speaking privileges I give you. I will not have my girl disregard direct orders. Understand, darling?"

"Yes, sir." I wanted to cry again, but he got out and opened my door for me.

I was pulled from the car and into his arms. I bit back tears as he put me on the ground in front of him and told me to go inside. I did as told. I was tired of him being so cold. I just wanted him to chill out. I wanted some fun. This was getting boring and hard.

Too many fancy meals and clothes and cars. Too many new rules and too many ways to break them all.

I sighed heavily.

"It gets easier, darling." He promised. "I want you to go to bed. We have church in the morning at nine, so I expect you to be ready for breakfast at eight tomorrow."

"Okay, sir." I sighed.

"Would you like to watch a movie with me before bed?" He asked, making me smile despite being so mad at him.

"Yes!" I giggled.

"Get changed into pyjamas and I'll be up soon." He promised.

He came upstairs with some snacks and we put the movie on my new laptop with his Netflix account. We watched it in my bed and he snuggled me. He was a good snuggler. I fell asleep just before the end of the movie.

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