7 - The perfect plan.

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... That's where the letter ended. Kneeling in front of his locker, head in his hands with a crumpled paper, he cried.

Sangjun knew exactly who this was and so do you, dear reader. Drops of his tears stained the paper as it became a ball in his fists. How pathetic, an almost full grown man crouching there, crying over a letter.

Well, it isn't so pathetic actually. Everyone are allowed to cry since we're all humans in the end.

But Sangjun didn't see it as that. Sangjun was tense, he wanted to speak to her again but not knowing why.

He remembers how she just stood there, further away and just staring. Staring at him and only him. It felt good to have been her centre of attention. Even if it was for just a moment. Her expression was unforgettable.

A pair of shiny, green, emerald eyes staring back at him with relief. Long hair dancing along with the wind's tunes in such grace. It was like she stood out from the cold, wet, winter leaves. He ripped the letter apart and slammed it into the locker...

Someone must have dumped it in there for no reason, yeah. Even though there is a bin right next to my locker...

- Agh!

His own words going against him, how annoying. He angrily picked up the paper, stood up and threw it in the bin.

Almost like a timer, as soon as the paper touched the bin-bottom, all students came running in and ready to learn. Sangjun had to quickly put on his persona again and hide his anger within himself. If only they knew.

His friends catched up with him and they began chatting. Soon enough he had forgotten about the letter completely.

His worries changed from being focused on Ji Ah to himself. The guys' voices faded away into the background as he thought about how to confront her.

Maybe he has to get her with him alone, but she would probably get the wrong idea. He can't talk to her in public either, or on campus at all for that matter because then people can see them.

If that happens, then rumors will spread and it'll damage both of their reputation in worst case scenario.

"Let's escape together."

What did she mean? Should he just grab her arm and run? He wanted... To escape with her too though it's a bit awkward...

While Sangjun was lost in his confusion, Ji Ah was having a battle on her own.

The younger boy was staring at her with crossed arms over his chest. He was in need of an explanation.

- Hey, you awake?

- Obviously.

The boy sighed, looked back once and then averted his look to her.

- I'm Haebeom. Choi Haebeom, and that guy was..?

- I'm surprised you don't know him, he's the most popular guy in school.

- So his name is "I'm surprised you don't know him, he's the most popular guy in school"? Damn that's long.

- Come on, you know what I mean!

- Sorry lady, I don't swing that way so I don't keep track, he said after giggling for a few seconds.

Ji Ah wasn't too fond of this guy. She didn't like how he teased her. She didn't like how he made fun of her.

He clearly saw what was going on. This "Choi Haebeom" guy doesn't seem to be an ally. Ji Ah stared him with a poker face, a bland expression that says "Seriously?".

You know that expression with no emotion, but with raised eyebrows and eyes looking as pissed off as ever.

This wasn't a joke to her, although, she can't blame him for not knowing what's happening behind the scenes.

Sighing, she pushed Haebeom away. She took her bag and walked briskly away from him, her shoulder bumping into his.

He turned around and was about to say something but she was too far gone. All he could do was stare blankly as she walked inside the school building, wondering the sudden change of heart.

Wasn't she supposed to be the nice one?

The school day ended quickly for Sangjun and Ji Ah. Both were tired, down and desperate to meet the other.

But despite all of their similarities, they still had different schedules. Which made it awkward if one of them would wait for the other, but our dear protagonist, Sangjun, had another idea that would ease the awkwardness.

Since their school was so famous and rich, of course it would have it's own website. On that very website, was all of the students schedules present. Including Ji Ah's.

Sangjun came up with the brilliant idea of waiting for her outside of her classroom and then casually bumping into her while she would exit it!

He couldn't focus on his lesson since he needed to mentally prepare himself first. This was the deciding moment, if they would be able to converse once again.

It seemed foolproof at the moment, but now that he found himself waiting outside her classroom, waiting for her to exit. He didn't think of the possibilities.

People could start to talk to him and catch his attention without his consent. People could crowd outside so much that he would never be able to see her or for her to see him.

Paranoia crept over his shoulder as he slightly looked inside the classroom. Slowly turning around, looking through the window, and finding... No one?

He was very confused and didn't know what was happening. The door was closed, and also locked at that.

- Did they end early?

That was the most logical reason since the teachers didn't leave those kind of details on the app. Oh, how dedicated they truly were.

But then on the other hand, this school is the elite! They would never let students leave early, especially when midterm exams are coming up like they are now.

It doesn't make sense, the paranoia had been gotten rid of but the confusion on the other hand was gone. His face was frozen as he turned back, head down.

He put one hand on the glass and looked up, grabbing the backpack strap.

- Searching for someone, Mr Kim? Said a dark, husk, adult voice.

Sangjun squinted his eyes as he looked at the man. It was no teacher of his but it was Ji Ah's. He looked happy, his usual self.

A big smile that would resemble a shiba inu with slick, blonde, combed back hair and eyes that would shape into stars and glimmer whenever he was even remotely happy.

Sangjun could only hope to have such a History teacher. Ji Ah was lucky.

- Is Ji Ah around? Sangjun quickly asked, now holding both backpack straps with each of his hands.

The teacher quickly gave him a strange look. He was surprised since everyone didn't think they talked to each other. The teacher was quick to return to his cheerful self again and quickly replied.

- I don't know, she hurried out the classroom after convincing me to end it earlier than planned. Of course everyone else was on board with it, how could I resist? He said with a slight laugher, scratching his neck nervously.

This teacher was quite irresponsible, according to Sangjun. He was never being able to say no. Especially to his dear students.

Sangjun sighed in fatigue. He let go of his backpack and walked away, leaving a small "thank you" as he left.

He wondered why she was so quick to leave.

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