Chapter 8.

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As Reyna, Frank, and the "sacrifices" as Frank had been thinking of them in his head approached the Senate house the Sun had started to dip into the horizon.

As they entered the House and into one of the back conference rooms one by one they realized that Apollo had already arrived and made himself comfortable.

At each seat Apollo had water set up and what seemed to be pamphlets to look through and on one wall refreshments ranging from donuts to fresh fruit.

The boys looked shocked yet pleased, they didn't know why Apollo was there but with the secrecy, they could guess he asked to see them.

Reyna and Frank immediately sat down on each side of Apollo, destroying the boy's thoughts of getting plates filled with snacks.

The boys sat down awkwardly, unsure whether to bow but went for a semi falling in the chairs while being kind of motion, Apollo just grinned.

"Thank you, Reyna and Frank, for bringing the boys here," Apollo began looking around the table, "Boys, I have a proposition for you."

The boys glanced at each other, most of whom arrived at camp recently or in the last moments of the Battle with Gaea. Bobby and Dakota had met Apollo on a few occasions but didn't think they made such significant impacts to warrant a personal visit.

"I'm gathering a group of boys to be my companions and to accompany me on any quests given to us by other Gods, this is somewhat of a formal invite."

The boys didn't know what to say, Reyna and Frank just looked at each other. It wasn't often that the God's did something significantly different from "mythology", Apollo isn't known for having a group of companions and they wondered about the impact this would have on their world.

Apollo held his hand up, as Dakota was about to speak, "Don't give me an answer right now, there is a package on all of your bunks that can answer your questions and a list of things to gather if you decide to join me. If you do decide to join let Reyna it Frank know and I'll come and pick you up in 2 days' time and if not, pass your package onto Reyna or Frank."

And with that Apollo was gone in a burst of warm Sunlight.

Reyna cleared her throat, "Well, I trust you will all go over your packages and make a thorough and thoughtful decision. It isn't often that a God makes such a request.", In her head, Reyna thought, "It wasn't had never happened before."

"As Reyna said, do not take this lightly this may be a life-changing decision. Help yourselves to any snacks before you head back to the Barracks." Frank told them, grinning at the end before following Reyna out the door.

"I can't believe that just happened," Louis announced after a moment of silence.

The boys looked around at each other. Bobby got up to get some food and the rest followed. The boys ate and goofed off the evening's events still at the front of their minds.


Jason was tossing a ball up to the ceiling and catching it, passing time not thinking of anything in particular when Percy came to retrieve him.

"You ready?" Percy asked leaning against the wall.

"What exactly are we being called to the Big House for again? If it's a mission I swear to my father..." Jason trailed off.

"I don't think it's that, come on man, seemed serious."

Jason sighed heavily but got up and they headed out.

They reached the Big House at the same time as Shane.

"Hey, guys." Shane waved.

Percy and Jason smiled and waved back, "Hey" they greeted. The boys while extroverted in their own circles after coming back to Camp Half-Blood couldn't seem to connect of course they had been otherwise occupied and weren't yet concerned with making friends, they enjoyed each other's company. Plus they were somewhat of celebrities, Prophecy fillers, and all that.

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