20. Nothing Perfect Lasts Forever

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Allison's P.O.V

We all sat there thinking of what we could do. Then the idea hit me. Dally used to hang around rodeo's, sometimes even participated with his buddy Buck Merrill. We could go to a rodeo, it's been a long time since I've been.

" Hey guys, why dont we go to a rodeo? " I asked.

" Yeah. That sounds like a really good idea. " Soda said smiling.

" Sure. " Steve said smiling.

" Should we wait for Darry. I mean he does have the truck. " Pony said looking confused.

" Sure, we can wait. " I said.

" Will we all fit? " Lyla asked.

" Yeah. " I said looking really happy. And I was, we were finally going to do something fun. We didnt do a whole lot more for the next hour, we mostly just waited for Darry to come home. It was now 7 : 30, and Darry had come home.
We all begged Darry to let us go, and he finally gave in. We all ran out the door, to the car, and got in. Darry was driving, Soda was riding in the passenger seat, Pony, Steve, and I were in the back, lastly Lyla sat on my lap.
We were all riding in the car, and having fun. But nothing perfect lasts forever, especially with my family. It seems like everywhere Lyla or I go, bad luck followed.
As we were all riding along in the car, there was a sudden loud noise. I felt the car jerk, and my head hit what I guessed to be the window. Everything went dark. The last thing I heard was Lyla. She screamed, it might of been one of the only times I had ever heard her scream. Then it was silence, and a dark black obyss.
This was soon followed by a loud noise and a dimmed light. Then it faded back to the obyss. I woke up to a slightly brighter light. It was white, but not blinding. I finally managed to open my eyes fully.

" Oh good, your awake. " I heard a soft and sweet voice say. I slowly turned my head in the direction of the voice. There was a girl dressed in mint green, and had her long blonde hair pulled back into a braid.

" What happened, when did it happen, where am I, who are you? " I said kinda fast.

" Slow down, I cant answer everything at once. " she said putting her hands up to slow me down.

" Sorry, continue please. " I said sitting up in the bed I was in.

" Thank you. Now you were in a car crash, it happened two hours ago, your in the hospital, and my names Natalie, and I'm your nurse. " she said smiling.

" Wait where are my friends, and sister. Are they all right? " I asked starting to panic.

" Well your friends should be okay. One has a broken arm, but the others just have a few cuts. Your sister, she's out cold right now. We have speculations that she got the worse of the crash, due to where she was sitting. " the nurse said, her smile fading as she talked.

" But, but I was sitting in the same place. " I struggled to say.

" Well you seem healthy, other then that stab wound. How did that happen? " the nurse said looking concerned.

" I had a incident, but will Lyla be okay? " I asked avoiding her question.

" Uh well we have her on medication right now, so I think she'll be okay. It's just a matter of when she'll wake up. " the nurse said.

" Okay, where are my friends? " I asked trying to change the subject.

" Their in the waiting room, would you like me to get them? " she asked.

" Yes please, and thanks. " I said as she walked out the door. I was in the hospital, along with my twelve year old sister. This was bad, I was worried about Lyla, my friends, and how we would pay the medical bill.
The nurse returned a few minutes later with all four boys. Steve had a huge cut across his face, kinda like Lyla had. Darry seemed pretty much fine, just a cut or two on his arm. Soda was the one who broke his arm. Lastly Pony looked fine, just a big cut across his neck.

" Hey y'all. " I said smiling.

" Hey, you finally woke up? " Steve said grinning ear to ear.

" Yeah, I did. " I said sitting up a little straighter and taller

" Good, I'm going to guess you know about Lyla? " Darry asked.

" Yeah. " I said kinda sorrowful. Soda must of noticed how I felt because it didnt take him long to say something.

" Hey, it'll be alright. " he said smiling brightly, but it wasnt hard to tell he was worried. You could tell in his eyes that he was worried. The nurse came in and whispered to Darry, then they left the room. The rest of us sat in silence, and waited.
Darry came running back into the room he looked surprised, and happy.

" Lyla woke up!! " he said rushing in.

" What? Really? " I asked perking up.

" Yeah the nurse just told me. " Darry said smiling. I started to get up, but I was stopped by Pony.

" I know you want to see Lyla, but I dont think your ready to get up yet. You just woke up a few minutes ago. " he said.

" I'm okay. " I said.

" No, stay there for a few more minutes. Then you can go see her. " Pony said looking the most serious he has in a while.

" Fine. " I said in a annoyed tone.

" We'll go check on her, you stay here. " Soda said starting to leave the room.

" Okay. " I said.

The four boys left, and I was left alone with the silence and my thoughts. Lyla was my little sister, she was knocked out cold, she finally wakes up, and I cant even see her.
I know I sound selfish and stubborn, but I wanted to see my sister. I needed to know how she was. It's like a sister adrenalin and anxiety, I needed to know if she was okay.

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