Family and Dreams

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May 17, 1536

Whitehall Palace 

Henry Tudor, The King of England, Ireland, and France sitting down at his desk, looking over the various documents and paperwork, piled on either side of his desk. In his handheld the death warrant, for his wife, well soon to be ex-wife and ex-Queen of England, Queen Anne Boleyn. He fumbled with the edge of the paper, questioning, wondering with his thoughts. 'If this was the right choice, the right decision for me, to end my marriage with the most breathtaking woman that I've ever met and loved dearly and deeply? To be with my Jane, my lovely, plain Jane? Jane? What was it about her that could ever compare to Anne, my sweetheart? My Falcon?'

Henry's mind began to move forward, still, if he even should sign the death warrant to end this woman's life. Henry's head rested in his arms soft snores escaped underneath his breath as the storm outside bellowed. Harder, growing stronger with every as it reached the castle.

Blackmore's Night- Lady in Black All rights belong to this artist only use for entertainment.


She came to one morning

One lonely Sunday morning

My mind played back to the very beginning of it all. From the first time, I saw her when she was Lady-in-waiting my former Queen Catherine. We danced at the masquerade at court, far one of the best and graceful dancer that I've ever met. The love that blossomed from us from the many letters we wrote back to each other. Our public affection, that thrived, grew stronger as did our love when we were at court.

Her long hair flowing in the midwinter wind

I know not how she found me

When in darkness I was walking

Then it all stopped, I felt no longer angry, frustrated, full of hatred and despair I felt towards Anne.

Destruction lay around me from the fight I could not wind


Ah haha haha haha

Standing in the center of the court, utterly all alone. A voice that was soft as doves called out, "Henry. Henry." Running down the corridor, the very few candles that were lit gave off a soft but eerie glow. Continuing until I stopped dead in my tracks at the throne room, two thrones stood next to each other.

Ah haha haha


Ah haha haha haha

"Henry?" The candlelight only grew stronger at Henry shielded his eyes until he saw two cloaked figures standing a few feet away. "Who are you?"

Ah haha haha


She asked me name my foe then

"Henry, don't you remember us?" The pair of hands shot forth from the dark blue cloak to remove the hood that covered her face. A woman that held such beauty, tall with curly golden-bronze hair that flowed down across her shoulders. Around her neck shimmering in the sunlight a necklace of gold, emeralds, and diamonds, gleaming in abundance. Her floor-length dress a blend of blue and grey swirls designs in the fur with golden ribbons. The woman's face elegant as a doe, with deep grey eyes. A rested on top of her head of gold, pearls embedded as well it was simple yet, regal and defined. Her rose pale lips formed a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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