Parte 3 The Long Road Home Ending

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Suddenly, the loud snapping of a twig pierced the silence of the shadows behind,

His playtime interrupted, George turned with a surprised look certainly most unkind.

When from a trees shadow walked a stranger, not quite nearly handsome and dark,

Not exactly a dashing  Casanova, but as a welcomed hero, he would do for the part.


Quickly he sized up the situation, preparing to face the highwayman's wrath,

The hero waved his sabre with challenging finesse, as he advanced down the path.

Smiling George let go his prize, standing firm, turned and poised his sword to attack,

Suddenly a nettled ladies spiked heel, kicked his boy's with a well-aimed whack!


Aggrieved at the lass's spunk, now two against one, were not odds George favored,

He turned and hobbled off, giving up the quite naughty thoughts he had savored.

His victim then tried grabbing him by his cloak, but he slipped out as he dashed,

Tripping as he avoided the stranger's sabre, vanishing in the fast creek he splashed.


Our hero turned to the lady, who was nonchalantly straightening her shiny attire, not nervous

Bowing in whole obeisance he acquainted, Milady, Marque, of the Manor, at your full service.

Reaching while gently moving his sharp sabre aside, her hazel eyes holding a relieved tear,

As the Romeos heart melted she purred, "Best watch where you place that my Dear".


Now Marque, the Earl's youngest son, had been carefully tracking an owl that poached,

Watching by the manor house, had become fully mesmerized by our lady walking to her coach.

Then , he had followed the owl flying through the woods leading down to Abbots Chase,

Hearing voices, he came upon, a handsome couple, in what seemed a rather vigorous embrace.


He had turned away, not wishing to spoil their little tryst, then spied his prey high in a tree,

Moving closer as the owl took flight, and he observed the villain relieve the pretty lady of jewellery.

Recognizing the damsel, the guest from the Manor house, Marque felt a sudden burning inspire,

To valiantly rescue the dazzling Maiden from her dismal distress, was his fully awakened desire.


Marque now found himself alone with the prettiest Court Lady he had ever seen,

His entire body quivered, everything seemed like he was in an enchanting dream.

A cold tingle traveled his spine as she looked him over, coyly sensing his duress,

She looked deep within his stricken eyes, a hazel eyed beauty, hair attractively messed.


Blushing, he looked down, spying a white silken handkerchief limp at his feet,

Picking it swiftly up, for he could feel his face turning quite as red as a winter beet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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