Therapist Sessions

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"So, which one do you want?"

The old man had brought his daughter to pick the perfect loyal companion at the local animal adoption center named, 'Faux Fur'.

The girl slowly felt her way along the sides of the walls towards the dogs. She carefully felt along the first dog's face that she could reach to read it's facial structure. She found herself doing this 'touch-read' feeling more often since the accident.

The dog was a dark, bleak color of brown. The color was so deep it was almost black.

Rose started scratching behind the dog's ears, and it immediately started licking its tongue against her leg. She couldn't help but smiled at the dog's kindness, "Dad, I think I found th-"

"She seems to really like you," a lady behind the counter interrupted Rose pointing towards the dog. "We're not really sure what breed she is, but we know it's a labradore mix of some sort."

Rose looked up in the direction of the vetenarians voice. "Sh-she's so sweet." She turned towards her father and finally gave him a concrete answer, "She's the one. I know it. I've got that gut feeling about it."

Her father nodded, but then quickly replied aloud, "Alright then, let's sign these adoption papers and make it official."

The vetenarian happily unlocked a cabinet drawer, revealing multiple adoption papers, which were never made official. She nervously slammed the drawer shut tight and pulled a navy blue ink pen from a cup with the words 'Faux Furr" inscribed on it in a kindergartener's handwriting.

Rose could easily sense that her mood was uneasied without even noticing the beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. It was almost as if this were the first adoption ever to occurr here.

"Ok, please just sign here-oh! and here...," the vet exclaimed while pointing to a blank signature line with the blue pen. "You know, now there's just one less loving creature to pity."

Rose found her choice of wording very peculiar, and considering that they obviously didn't have very much business, she just dismissed her commentary.

Once Rose's father, Nicholas Fallin, had signed his curse, he grabbed his daughter's hand helping her out the door, with the dark dog leading the way.


"Alright, I'll see you later for dinner, ok."

My father told me as he dropped me off infront of the Chrystler building. Though, it seemed more as a question rather than a clear statement.

He waved one last time goodbye, and then I was left alone. I had been going to therapy for some time now, and Sharon, my therapist, had her office in a company building called Chrystler. It often reminded me of that car dealership, but Sharon always told me it wasn't owned by them.

My new companion pulls me towards the door and I'm grateful for her finding it for me. I walk in, excited to see the usually receptionist, but I frown when I see it's someone new.

"Uh, hi. Um, I was wondering if Betty was in today?" I careful tread a water that I'm not sure whether I'll drown in or not.

Betty was practically my long-lost grandmother. Not really, but she was always there for me, even before the whole incident. I really wanted to introduce her to my new dog.

The unfamiliar receptionist snorts, "Honey, just tell me ya name, and who ya in for."

Shocked by her ingrammatical grammer and thick southern accent, I replied sharply, "Ro. It's Rose Fallin."

She purposely avoided eye contact and the topic of Betty, which confused me very much. "Ah, I see. You that blind gal Ms. Shar be seeing."

Completely and utterly astounded, I can only think to myself-Where the hell did they find this women

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