Meeting at Nar Shaddaa

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Nar-Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon, was a hive of villainy in the Outer Rim. The largest moon of Nal Hutta, every square kilometer of the moon was covered with a sprawling city. Felga the Hutt ruled the city-moon with self-appointed authority after Grakkus had been carried off to Megalox Beta a few decades ago. She was the longest reigning Hutt on Nar Shaddaa and with reason. The criminal syndicates that she managed were meticulously controlled; and with proceeds from extorted businessmen, there was plenty of money to afford a sprawling and intricate thug force. Most residents knew the fear of the Hutt clan, but the chronicity of the Hutt presence had become a way of life, and as in most places of the galaxy, people had a tenacious way of surviving.

The cantinas and saloons were one of the few escapes people had, and the Green Krayt Saloon was a favorite in Hutta Town. A four-armed and scantily-clad female Codru-Ji mixed and served drinks at the bar to thirsty patrons, while the insectoid Colicoids also wandered among the tables waiting on those that had sat down. In the corner, a small band of Bith played an upbeat song which no one noticed. In fact, no one paid attention to anyone, except the drink servers.

A Trandoshan sat in a corner table, leaning in and speaking in hushed tones with a hooded human figure. Their quiet conversation was muffled by the mumbling words of others and the music.

However, the commotion of the saloon suddenly ceased as heavy Mandalorian boots stepped through the front door. The music stopped and all eyes turned to the door. It was a figure that most of the patrons had known, and they knew trouble frequently followed close behind him. Boba Fett, armor-clad walked up to the bar but did not order anything. Instead, his imposing gaze scanned the room from behind his helmet. He saw the Trandoshan and moved to the table, his boot-steps echoing in the quiet room. Pulling back a chair, he joined the Trandoshan and the man. Conversations slowly began again and the music started to play, but much lower and slower this time.

Boba leaned back and called to a Colicoid. "Another round for these two." Then he addressed the Trandoshan. "Donal, since you weren't at your workshop, I knew I'd find you here selling out Felga the Hutt. And this must be a friend from the Senate."

Both Donal and the human showed their discomfort. This was not a meeting that either wanted to be widely known. Donal's teeth shown as his lips raised in a snarl. "Don't you have a bounty to chase after?" Donal snapped.

The Colicoid brought two more drinks for Donal and the human, then with his arthropod feet it clicked away promptly.

"I'm retired, remember?" Boba replied.

"Yeah, if you're retired, then you're just as damaged as that ship of yours," Donal answered.

"Enough of that talk," Boba said. "Or I'll talk about this meeting here with Felga." He waved a hand at the hooded man.

The human and Donal did not say anything, but Donal reached under the table.

"I don't think so. Keep your hands on the table," Boba snapped. "I know I've interrupted your conversation. You can snitch on the Hutts later, but you and I need to talk, now." He turned to the hooded man. "Go."

The man got up immediately and scurried out of the saloon, leaving his newly delivered drink untouched.

Donal grabbed his fresh shot and threw it back, slamming the empty glass down on the table. "You gonna take that one." Donal slid the man's drink toward Boba.

He pushed it back to Donal. "I don't drink when I'm out."

Donal crossed his arms and leaned back. "So, what do you want now?"

"A power core," Boba replied with a level tone.

"If you want an original like normal, that'll take time and credits. One of these days, that classic is gonna put you on the streets." The Trandoshan hissed with the last word.

"A new core," Boba said, knowing that Donal could produce those quickly from his shop's storehouse.

"Well, if that's the case, I can get that today," Donal said confidently. "Nice, not to have anything complicated this time. Two hundred thousand."

"Fine," Boba said.

Donal was shocked. "You aren't going to barter!"

"No." Boba leaned in. "'Cause that includes labor. You're helping me put it in."

The Trandoshan almost fell out of his seat.  

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