Chapter 6 : Meeting Damian and the coronation

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( Mari POV )

I woke up and changed my clothes and saw Alya had texted me that Lila was going to tell miss bustier to go and I was sick so I ran down but the bus was already gone.

I kept walking on the side walk then suddenly my limo came with Alya and Chloé and Alix in it so I went to them and then we arrived at the place but before we left I said

"Could you guys be my lady's with Alya because I'm the princess "

"Duh yesss"

"Are you kidding me of course"

"Thnx" I said

Tomorrow was my coronation so I told Alya , Chloé , and Alix to stay with me at the palace so  we can get ready

"Is Adrien your king Mari" Alix suddenly said

"No Damian is" I replied

"Whose Damian"

" he's my fiancé he is Damian Wayne"

" what and did you know Lila in the bus said she's dating him and when spill now"

"Well I met him last summer we dated for a year but then the day before we left he asked me to be his wife and he is going to be at the palace with his family today" I said in one breath.
They all just nodded
Then we arrived I ran out and saw Damian so I went scared him then kissed him

"Hi dami watcha doin?" I asked

"Oh I was waiting for you who are they?" He replied with another question

"Oh them theses are my true friends and I have 3 others Adrien ,Nino and Kim"

"Oh ok let's go inside and have dinner"

"Sure. Guys come on"  

They all followed me into the palace and we made it to the royal dining hall while we ate dinner it was quiet so then we all went to my room except Damian then we had a super fun sleep over.

I woke up the next morning and got ready since it was my coronation then I went for breakfast with Alix and chloe and of course Alya.

We ate breakfast and rushed to get ready then we all looked stunning.

I had a red gown with some butterflies which were black and my gold mask . Alya wore a orange gown and her black mask. Alix wore a blue gown with roller skates under and her green mask . Chloe wore a yellow gown and her orange and black mask then we all went down and waited behind the door with Damian who wore a black suit but then one of the guards said

"Welcome the princess and her fiancé and her lady's who will be revealing them self's later on"

Then suddenly the doors opened and we started walking I could see are class in the corner and then i said

" hello you might know me as your princess but I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng and my fiancé is Damian Wayne and my lady's are Alya Cesaire, Chloé bourgeois and Alix Kubdel" we all took are masks off and saw everyone's shocked faces but one was angry it was Lila's.

"What Mari-trash is the princess ugh and dami-boo is cheating on me" she screeched

"No because he never dated you and yes I'm the princess so I can do this guards take her"

Then I went down and everyone said sorry and we all danced the whole night it was the best day ever even Adrien was happy because a week later I set him up with Kagami and they were perfect .

Now this is my story on how I got the perfect life .

Hi guys this is the end I know why so short but yeah I know I just wanted to end it and so anyways hope to like it
Goodbye ,

Lily out

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