Chapter 4

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Hayden's POV

"Well, it looks like it was nothing to be concerned about. Not many people experience aggression with epilepsy but it has been reported."

"But I also lost all memory. I had no idea where I was or who David was..."

"Also a symptom of epilepsy. Listen, Hayden, you are getting older and your body is changing. Adult epilepsy has differences from child epilepsy. You will have new symptoms or have others go away. With these changes we can look at other medications. I'll look into it and prescribe you..."

"How long?" I interrupted.

"Oh, just give me a day..."

"How long do adults with epilepsy as bad as mine live for?" The room was silent. I've never asked this before. Nobody dared. It didn't really matter but recently I had been having thoughts...

"At most you will have about 10 years off a normal life. So if 'normal' people die at 80, people with severe epilepsy would pass in they're 70s, after loving a long and happy life."
I lay down that night thinking about my life. David was sound asleep next to me, the girls were in their beds, and I was wide awake.

I couldn't stop thinking about England and Elise. How we haven't been back in so long, and how I so badly wanted to go back.

I don't hate the US but it's nothing like England. Here it's always sunny and people are rude. I always live in fear and can't go one day without being stressed. Stressed about the wedding. Stressed about money. Stressed about tomorrow. Stressed about epilepsy. 'Try to relax more,' the doctor said. 'Go outside and see the beauty in nature.' But outside made me more stressed then I would stress about not being outside. But every time I think about England I calm down.

I can't help but think about what would happen if we left...

AN: hey people of the world. I'm sorry I haven't updated since like November so here's 2 in one day. Not that that applies to anyone not reading it today but whatever

I was wondering if you want shorter (this length) but more often updates or longer chapters (last few chapters) but not as often? Lmk in the comments and I'll try my best. I am hella stressed rn (life of a senior in hs) so I'm not committing to a strict schedule.

Have a great day ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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