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All the way back to the Haveli, Aariz kept his focus on the road before him while Laiba had her head leaned against the window, watching trees, lamp post, buildings and vehicles whizze past them outside the window.

The song 'Lucid Dreams' was playing from the speakers on repeat and filling in the silence between them, letting them both dwell in their own world of thoughts.

It was around 3am, when they reached the Haveli.

The gates were locked and there were no guards in sight.

Aariz felt inappropriate to honk at that hour of the night and so, he took out his phone and called up Shah.

"Boss." He answered his call, his voice groggy from sleep.

"Shah! I'm out and the gates are locked."

"I'll be there in a minute."

Shah came to their rescue and opened up the gates for them. Aariz took the car inside and pulled over just below the staircase of the entrance.

"Get to your room and sleep. I'll be sleeping with Zeeshan." He told her.

Laiba nodded her head, grabbed her belongings and got out of the car. She ascended the stairs and reached the main door. She placed her hand on the wooden door and involuntarily glanced back at Aariz who was with Shah, leaned against the bonnet of the car, flicking a cigarette. She pushed the door open, slid inside and shut it behind her. She took a deep breathe and made her way out of the foyer and into the main hall which was too dark and eerily quiet, making it clear that everyone were in their rooms, already asleep. She climbed up the stairs with slumped shoulders, tired legs and half closed eyes. She reached the top floor and trudged her way to her room, opened the door and kicked it shut behind her.

Without switching-on any lights, she threw her bag on the couch and removed her shoes. She pulled her hijab off her head and untied her pony, letting her hair fall freely on her shoulders. She unlaced the belt of her abayah around the waist and shrugged it off her shoulders, the fabric slipping down her body and gently falling on the floor. She stepped out of the abayah which lay circled on the floor and walked barefoot to her bed, dropping herself on the mattress.

"Her biological father told me everything about her. She is a fucking gold digger man."

Shebaz's voice reverberated in her ears.

Laiba couldn't tell what Shebaz intended to do but he had hit the bull eye.

That every single word he had uttered against her had hit home, opening her old wounds, pushing her into the zone where every bad thing that had ever happened to her since her childhood were all rushing back to her like water gushing out from the faucet that she had tried so hard to keep it closed in the recent days.

She couldn't contain it anymore.

Her father and his hatred towards her had always managed to break her into pieces.

And that night, she, really was broke.

Laiba shut her eyes in pain as an agonising sob broke from her lips, fresh set of tears escaping from the corners of her eyes. She hurriedly crawled up on her bed and stuffed her face against the pillow, muffling her voice as she began screaming and crying into it.

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