Chapter 2

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But for every moment of those three and a half

years, I had a nagging, itching, aching feeling that

he would never be the right one for me. Despite

his great heart, he lacked ambition and drive and

handled his finances very poorly and, at the heart

of it all, was very insecure despite being a bright

and attractive guy. I understood him, though. I

understood that his family had never prepared him

for LIFE, and the poor decisions he had made as a

younger man had him caught in a sticky web and a

hole he just couldn’t seem to dig himself out of.

As the years went by, he could give me less and

less of what I needed. Things became strained

between us. I was a terrible nag, and I see that

now. But the problem was that there were just too

many things about him that I wanted to change.

And as I began to realize that I could never change

him and shouldn’t have to, I struggled SO much

with what the right thing to do was. It ate away at

me day and night, because I honestly couldn’t

imagine my life without him. And being alone


*Coming soon *

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