Nightmares 2

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Sitting in my favorite local coffee shop, took my mind off of Josephine, Peter, and the pain of the dream.  A man sang, softly strumming his guitar as my closest girlfriends laughed at a small child dancing. I typed at my laptop, the taste of coffee in my mouth. 

My best friend, Kya, slid into the seat next to me. "What's wrong, lovely Ella Rae. And don't say nothing, 'thoughtful' is written all over your face."

I internally sighed and turned to her. "I had a dream last night, one with pain and suffering, and a lot of tears. It shook me to my core and I can't stop thinking about it." 

"Look up the key elements in a dream dictionary on line. The better you understand the dream, the easier it should be to get over it." She raised her eyebrows, in way that meant there is no go around it, and turned back to the coffee. 


Later that night I searched for what the dream might have meant.. Every word I typed in that could possibly relate to the dream, always related back to me. I did not have a dream of losing someone, I dreamt of another's Nightmare, the one thing you wish to never lose, love.

What could this heart wrenching tale mean for me? Nothing. I was not in love, nor did I wish to be. I was my own free woman. I did not have a longing for anything but warm blankets. Dreaming of this woman's loss could not mean anything for me. 

It just couldn't. 


I slept dreamless for the next few nights. I was alone in my home for the week. It was spring break, my mother was in Ireland taking care of business, and my Dad tagged along. I preferred to be alone, I ate what I wanted, and I had the television to myself. It was wonderful. 

Kya came over frequently, she brought food, knowing I was only eating pizza and McDonalds. Four nights after I had the dream, we sat cross legged on my couch, filling our mouths with fried rice and orange chicken, while we watched reruns of Seinfeld. 

Kya giggled at the television. "Do you think they will ever redo Seinfeld. With different actors, of course." 

"No." I replied with food in my mouth, "It will never out do this."


We fell back into a comfortable silence, occasionally laughing. My cat, Jasmine, who I had not seen in two days, curled up on the back of my couch, near my head, and purred. I set aside my empty take out container and sunk further into my couch. My eyes slowly closed as Kya laughed again.


A smile. A woman's smile, a man's laugh, a couple in love. The woman ran giggling as the man chased her. He caught her, grabbed her by the waist, and twirled her around, her long skirt swaying. It was Josephine and Peter. They were happy... 


The images slowly faded away and into something else. Josephine was laying on the ground, crying under the moonlight. Pain filled her, pain surrounded her. She slowly stood and wrapped her arms around herself. With tears running down her face, she walked into the darkness. 

 © Kycocobug 2012. All Rigths reserved. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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