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If we take the movies fifty shades of Grey, Christian Grey as an example as our psychopath.

Now, I would like to clarify, that I do not know with 100% certainty that he is written to be a psychopath or what the author of the book though him out to be, but in the movies, he displays som tendency that could be explained with psychopathy. Others have explained and written about his psychopathic tendencies

In the movies, Christian Grey meets Anastasia and introduce her into the world of BDSM. Anastasia is a complete novice to the BDSM world and a virgin when they meet.  

On the outside Christian Grey portraits a caring, successful and rich businessman. On the outside, everything seems controlled and perhaps it is. 

Christian Grey has had his share of submissives when he meets Ana all of them have followed specific rules that they were not to disobey.¨

Now he takes Ana, a complete novice, and in the movies, there is shown no teaching or submissive training, just straight to it. 

Christian Grey is also highly possessive (controlling) towards Ana, he has to know where she is and become angry/aggressive if he does not know where she is.  He also becomes very jealous when other men pay attention to her. He also tracks her phone which is a crime.

His is seem bipolar, one second he is caring and understanding, the next he threatens her with punishment when she has broken no rule according to their BDSM contract. 

Christian Grey also manipulate Ana to his advantage. There are also times where he ignores her safe word and in the BDSM world, a safe word is everything and ignoring it is like a very severe crime. 

So you only have to see the first movie to see all the red flags that follow Christian Grey in almost everything he does and that there is a high chance of him being a psychopath.

So what seems like the perfect "fictional" romantic relationship is an abusive damaging relationship with an innocent girl in the hands of a psychopath. 

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