Chapter Five - The Doberman's Rescue

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The Red Wolf scampered forward with Murphy hard on her tail.
Glancing over her shoulder, she spotted Dallas just barely keeping up with the two youths. Although Ezra never really liked Dallas, it did bother her when she heard his rasping breath as his lungs struggled to hold in enough oxygen as he ran. She swore she could hear his ancient bones creaking and rattling from what had seemed like a mile away.
Snapping out of it, Ezra faced her blue gaze back to the path before her. She decided not to dawn on it too much, instead, concentrating on her long-awaited freedom she was going to gain in the next moment.

The sprint seemed to last forever; her enclosure, all of a sudden, felt so much bigger than she'd ever realised before. 
Feeling a brisk, hot breath against her flank, Ezra peered to her side as Murphy caught up to her. Just as he stationed himself to run at her side, the Red Wolf caught the glance of something moving on the other side of the cage walls, but Murphy's thick pelt blocked her view!
Growling in irritation, Ezra rammed her petite, red shoulder into the massive Wolf.
"You're blocking my view, you big oaf!" she snarled.
Losing his balance, Murphy wobbled from side-to-side, stumbling over his own paws, before toppling over and crashing into the elfin Red Wolf.
As the two wolves fell to the ground, Ezra felt most of her breath being pressed from her lungs as the hefty body mass slammed into her chest.
Whirling his body around, Murphy's forepaws landed on the ground either side of her head as the rest of him cannoned into the earth, just barely missing her slight, squirming, red-pelted body.
In shock, Ezra stared at him, still flat on the ground with her stomach facing the sky - she hadn't meant to make him fall! A sensational feeling began to tickle in her stomach.
Murphy ogled her, he seemed to desperately read her expression, perhaps frightened that she may be angry with him for almost squashing her. However, he soon let out a large sigh of relief as the she-wolf erupted in hysterical laughter.
"You silly mutt!" she jested, flipping herself over and lunging away from him.
Continuing to hurry toward the exit, Ezra felt excited chills roll down her spine. She was much too hyped to feel any irritation towards Murphy, for once.  Besides, the way he flailed around as he fell would have been enough to make anyone laugh! Ezra swore she'd even heard Dallas snort in amusement as he watched the two rolling masses of fur.

Ezra didn't bother to check if Murphy was following. Instead, she continued to rush ahead until she finally reached the metal gate that was the exit to her exhibit.
On the outer side of the cage gate, there stood a white Dogo Argentino. She had dark brown eyes and long, muscular legs. Two floppy small ears laid either side of her skull and she had a broad, square snout. She was taller and much thicker set than little Ezra, just like most canines were. Although the dog's pure white pelt was smooth and she looked pampered and well-fed, there was no sign of a collar. As a matter of fact, there wasn't even a hint of the human's stench on her! She was definitely no pet.
Her eyes stared blankly at Ezra's curious expression. There seemed to be some sort of silent staring contest between the two canines for a few very long moments.
It seemed like too long for the Red Wolf's comfort before Murphy and Dallas finally caught up and halted either side of her. 
In an instant, the white Argentino finally broke her eye-contact with Ezra and snapped her attention straight to Dallas.
"Dallas," she nodded her broad, white head in a brief greeting. "Are you sure you want to go through with this? Many dangers lie ahead, most of which all of you are far from prepared for," she warned.
Her voice sounded young and confident but despite the sound of youth, it seemed wise and experienced. Who on earth was this strange canine? 
Holding her head high, the dog's brown eyes sparkled with confidence and superiority, much unlike the look Ezra had been given beforehand.
Why should Dallas get all the respect? Why was it always Ezra who got looked down upon? What did she ever do wrong?
Before Dallas could answer the mysterious dog, Ezra burst forward and crashed her head into the gate forcefully, the metal vibrating against her skull. At the time, she'd forgotten about the electricity powering through the metal until it was too late - her head had already made the collision. Despite bracing for the impact of the shock, nothing happened! Not a single strand of fur could feel the tingle of sparks she'd felt before when facing the orang-utan. This made her curious; had the power died when the explosion was set off?

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