2, Alpha

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"Goodbye Masters, I hope you all sleep well today," I said. I was dressed, the butt plug gone and the egg vibrator returned to its place, nestled against my prostate. I went around to each of the vampires, who stood in the hallway their bedrooms were located in, and kissed them on the lips.

"Make sure you eat enough today, or you're going to get far more than five spankings when you return," Akasha said after I kissed him.

"Yes, Master, I will," I replied, looking down at my feet to hide my blush. He brought a hand up and lightly traced his claws down the side of my face, trailing them over my lips. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Inkas bundling up my jacket, which I had yet to put on, and burying his face in it as he inhaled my scent.

"Master Inkas, can I please have my jacket back?" I asked. He had stolen two other jackets and one hoodie from me before. His excuse was that he liked to sleep with them, to keep my scent around a little longer.

Inkas hummed reluctantly, hugging my jacket to his chest. He lifted his chin up at me. "No."

"But... Master, you already have three other ones," I pointed out, making sure to keep my voice sweet so that I wouldn't come off as disrespectful.

"Your scent has faded on those ones," he retorted.

"Well, then can I have them back, please? So that I can get my scent on them again?" I replied. I stepped closer to him and gave him puppy eyes. Looking at him through my lashes and drawing my eyebrows up to appear vulnerable. Inkas' cherry-red eyes scanned over my face, his resolve slowly cracking the longer he stared at me. He sighed dramatically.

"Fiiiiine, fine, sweet pet, go and get them," he told me, fluttering his fingers in the direction of his room. I smiled and pecked his cheek before heading into his room. I easily found my jackets and hoodie on his bed, strewn across his pillows, and slipped the hoodie on while I gathered the other two jackets in my arms.

I returned to the leaders, finding Inkas pouting as he hugged my jacket. I went over and pecked his cheek again. He grumbled under his breath at me, but then sighed and kissed me back. Alaric placed a hand on my lower back and gave me little push.

"Run along now, Vanilla," he said. I bowed slightly to them, and turned and began my descent down the stairs. As I passed each floor, other vampires who were also heading to bed gave me their goodbyes, some kissing me, some passing a hand over my neck, and others playfully slapping my ass.

Zayvel met me at the ground floor and walked me out. "Have a good day, sweet Vanilla," he said.

"Rest well," I replied, and the door swung open and I stepped outside. Zayvel closed the door behind me, the locks clicking in place. It was barely dawn, the sun not yet peaking over the horizon. The world was a hazy blue color again, just barely beginning to lighten. I walked to my apartment that was situated five blocks away. Not many humans were up this early, but there were the occasional early risers heading to work.

The air was pleasantly cool as I walked the five blocks, alerting me that summer was coming to visit soon. The vampires wouldn't be too happy about that, because it meant they would get less time with me due to the longer days and shorter nights. I smiled to myself at the thought, picturing their disgruntled faces and muttering voices.

The vampires weren't so bad. Not to me. They were only feared because, well, vampires were scary in general to humans. There were a lot of them, and the leaders knew how to run their city. They kept tabs on businesses, newcomers, and the like. Whenever something was going on that they didn't like, they were quick to end it.

I suppose the truly scary part of them was the fact that they hunted humans. They found joy in hunting, a thrill, and I had to admit, so did I. Sometimes I would join them on hunts, get a chance to stretch my legs in my wolf form. The only time that we killed our prey was if they deserved to die. If they were like the sleazy man trying to rape people, or rob people, or kidnap children, or other things like that. If we found someone innocent to hunt, we wouldn't kill them. The vampires would trap, feed, and then turn the memory of the attack fuzzy in the victim's mind so they wouldn't be permanently traumatized, and then leave them to stagger home.

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