Chapter 6

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*Ten years later*

Gerald had died two years after that moment. It had been a struggle, raising these two children on his own for eight years but Eric did it all in Gerald's memory. He'd often tell stories to the children about their deceased father. Tales of when they first met, Gerald's fondness of drag and the day the kids were born. Sheila Jr and Mr and Mrs Birling were eager to learn everything about their dead dad, their favourite story being the one were Eric heroically got a scar in a dramatic ironing accident. But today, the children wanted to know something else.

"Father Eric," Sheila Jr said. "How did our beloved father Gerald die?"

Eric was prepared for this question. He knew the children would soon become curious about why their father wasn't around anymore.

"Well, kids," began Eric. "Remember the story of 'one bed and snow'? The night you were born?"

Sheila Jr and Mr and Mrs Birling nodded in unison.

"Well, before the pregnancy, Gerald was very angry. The receptionist had misheard him and your father threatened to take his kidneys. In the end, Gerald achieved his promise. It was harmless, at first, he had a new activity and hey, as long as it kept him happy I was alright with him harvesting kidneys. But then, his addiction turned into something ugly. Gerald was thrilled with the power these kidneys gave him and seeked more and more. He claimed that these kidneys gave him special powers. He claimed that once he had six, he could destroy all who had wronged him. At this point I was a little worried but I loved him. I supported him and as long as I didn't die I was good, you know? However, after just five kidney transplants, he passed away. I like to believe that he became a wonderful god, just like he always wanted. And that, kids, is why we worship, God Gerald."

The children nodded with blank expressions. Slowly they raised their arms in the air and began chanting.

"God Gerald. God Gerald. God Gerald."

The walls began to bleed, the red liquid shaping into the face of their God. Eric smiled to himself. This was just the beginning.

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