Chapter 1

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Eric's first thought when he saw Gerald was : he looks happy. He was sitting next to Sheila which had become his regular seat since he had started dining with the Birling family a year ago. Still, Eric found that it had stung a little as he watched Gerald chatting with his sister. He sat in his seat across from him and instantly called Edna for some whiskey.

Eric's father, Arthur, rose from his seat. "Now we're all finally here," he shot a pointed glance at Eric, "I can begin. Sheila, Gerald, congratulations on your engagement, I can not think of a more perfect couple."

"Oh, I can think of one," Eric muttered.

Although he said it quietly, Gerald still heard him. Of course he heard. Perfect Gerald with his perfect hearing. Well whoop-de-doo congratulations for having ears, Eric thought.

Gerald stood up, dusting off his jacket as he did so. "Well thank you, Arthur. It means a lot to join such a supportive family."

Arthur raised his glass in response.

"Now," Gerald continued. "If you all really don't mind, I may just hit the hay a little early. Goodnight all."

Hit the hay, what kind of pretentious arse does this guy think he is.

As Gerald left, he glanced over his shoulder at Eric. If that wasn't an invitation to follow I don't know what is.

Eric followed Gerald into his bedroom down the hall. As soon as the door closed behind them, Gerald spun around with eyes full of fire.

"Can't just keep your mouth shut, can you?"

Eric blinked. Well that escalated quickly. It's now or never I suppose.

"Don't just act like last night didn't happen, Gerald. Or should I say Geraldina!"

For a brief second, a look of hurt and confusion passed over Gerald's expressions but was quickly replaced with anger. Of course. Come on Gerald why don't you cover your emotions up a little more.

"Don't you dare speak that name. Last night never happened. There was no last night, ok? Because I swear to god Eric if you ruin this heterosexual relationship I have going with your sister, I will tell your father."

Eric just laughed at this. "Tell him what? That occasionally, The Perfect Gerald dresses up in drag and likes to touch Eric's hand?"

"Drag? What's that?"

"A word that will be invented in about 8 years. Now don't change the subject."

Gerald ran a hand through his hair. "Last night was a mistake, we shouldn't have held hands."

Eric couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought they had something special. Well, Eric, He thought to himself, Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know. Wow, that sounds pretty good. I should write a song.

"Oh come on Gerald!" Eric laughed through tears. "It was only a bit of harmless fun!"

Slowly, Gerald raised his head to stare Eric in the eyes. His eyes. His perfect green eyes. Filled with tears...because of me.

"Harmless fun? HARMLESS FUN!" Gerald was yelling now, not bothering about alerting the rest of the BIrlings. "YOUR 'HARMLESS FUN' GOT ME PREGNANT, YOU IDIOT!"

Silence. Both men were in shock. Gerald looked horrified at what he had just revealed. Eric could not believe it. He was...he was going to be a father?

Before either of them could speak, a small gasp came from the other side of the door. A second later, the door opened and a crying Sheila walked into the room. Fuck. What the hell do I say?

"Sheila I-"

"It's ok, Eric." Sheila sniffed,"I knew Gerald didn't feel for me as I felt for him. I just, well, I thought that, with time, perhaps, he would grow to love me. But now I see his heart belongs to another. I'm just glad that it's you, brother."

Finally Gerald spoke. "Sheila, I thank you for being so understanding but it's just," He glanced at Eric,"I do not think your brother returns my affection."

"You idiot."

Eric was surprised to hear the words come out of his own mouth. But they were true. How oblivious was the so called Perfect Gerald? Oh, I suppose I did just call it 'harmless fun'. You know what, no, this isn't my fault. He should know by now that I hide my emotions.

"Excuse me?" Gerald was looking at him properly now. "I'm an idiot for having feelings? I only hope that our child doesn't inherit your brick wall of a personality."

Eric was starting to get angry. How dare he says I have no personality?

Gerald continued, rage coursing through his whole body as Sheila watched in shocked silence. "I can't believe you Eric. How swiftly you dismiss our love. And what? Last night meant nothing to you? Then why did you even do it? I suppose it's my fault too now, is it? Probably going to say that I touched your hand, huh? Well that's not how it went! If you didn't want to get into this mess than why did you even-"


Eric was panting heavily. Well that shut him up. Sheila squealed, clapping her hands just as she would when watching shit go down in her favourite soap-opera play.

"Sheila, please get out I need to have a word with Gerald."

Sheila pouted but left and soon it was just the two of them. Eric and Gerald. Gerald and Eric. Geric.

"You what?" Gerald whispered

"I said that I fucking love you, you obtsue fucking arsehole."

And then they were kissing.

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