guess what i CAnT MovEEE

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so yesterday the lottery ended

hurray i finished my first ECG play and I actually got a part :D

okay so yesterday was the last show and ive been off social media all week so i could focus and center myself but last night i accidently pulled my leg muscle and i never acted so well in my life cause i wanted to cry so badly and i could barely move my leg and i had to RUN in the play omg i cried backstage when i wasnt on omg

and i cant move it at all and i have GYM yay

also my wrist is better i can move it and i got a brace for it so thats a plus

im just really sad rn cause i couldnt sleep last night bc of my leg

luke and kyle went to the last showing of the play last night and it was funny cause kyle dressed up for me but luke didnt

thaNKS luKE

anyway i am stuck in bed/chair all day cause of my leg yay

im hungry af 


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