Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Watch Your Step

✦ At the Moon Kingdom✦

Cross was on his bed looking up at the roof having nothing to do since Nightmare hasn't given him a order in a while. His room, like most of the castle, had dark purple wallpaper with black accents to it there was a wall near his bed that was stabbed, scraped, and punched clearly on different occasions. His room was pretty messy with old clothes sitting around and the light was dim too.

Cross got too bored and soon adventures outside by sneaking out his window since he didn't want to get beat up or shammed in the hallway. Since he is the third strongest also with third rank in power level after Nightmare, the emperor, and his right-hand man Killer, who Cross swears has a kink for blood.

He jumps down the rope he used to get down from the window as Chara silently sat in his consciousness. An uneasy feeling sat in his soul but he pays no mind to it as he enters the dense, dark, cold forest as his boots made a satisfying crunch as he stepped on the dead leaves and grass. However, an uneasy feeling never left him as someone followed him in the trees not making a sound. The person was just curious. Cross knew nothing interesting would happen in the castle anyway.

Nightmare had different ideas as he wanders throughout the house of the Moon Castle searching for something? Or somebody, he hasn't talked to Cross for a long while and luckily he had the mission for the boy. Cross would be the perfect candidate but for some reason, Nightmare couldn't find Cross anywhere within the castle so he sent the boy who kept pestering Nightmare to find Cross.

Suddenly Killer jumps down from the fence trees in front of Cross holding his knife. Quietly he raised his hand a little above his hip spinning it around his fingers, a reminder he is extremely skilled with knives. Cross didn't jump or even flinched just simply staring at the other with boredom and gave a soft sigh "Didn't I tell you?" He said with a monotone voice. Killer gruffed as he stopped the knife from dancing between his fingers gripping it as he crossed his arms "no." Killer gave a pissed off glare as he spoke. Cross slyly smiled "then it must be none of your business," he said as he walks past Killer coldly. Killer turned on a dime watching him for a second as Cross walked off, Suddenly speaking up Killer said "the king won't be happy~ He as a mission for you!~" his voice purred as he put the back of his knife against his cheek. He had a sinister smirk on his face imagining the pure bloodshed that the emperor could do.

Cross' eyebrow twitches as he quickly turns back to face Killer groaning as he complained "The one day I leave the fucking castle..." he took a second to think "fine." He walks to the entrance to the big building. Killer escorted him, following close behind to make sure he didn't run off, Killer wasn't stupid and won't show such ignorance. Chara appears next to Cross, only Cross will see him since showing other people takes up too much energy, Chara loudly groans "what are you doing you.. you crackhead?!" Chara and Cross hate kissing Nightmare and the crew's ass. Cross glances at the child before looking ahead and continues to walk "Nightmare apparently has a mission for us.." Chara smirks devilishly. "oh?~" he enjoyed the missions where he could to come out to kill people he was mostly used in war while Cross was more stealth. Cross just grumps as he rolled his eyes and walked faster "Shut up. I bet it's just something small." This made Chara frown "I really hope not." Only making Cross smile "well I hope so, that forest walk really sounds really nice right now." Chara was growing impatient for an answer, Chara spoke up with a shout "walk faster!"

Killer just watched Cross talk to himself he was pretty used to it. Cross just continued to smile, humming a soft melody as he walked, he honestly couldn't care less about what Chara has to say, he's just a kid. Also, there was a chance if he waited long enough that Nightmare would get impatient and give the mission to another idiot and not him!

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