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Me not getting any sleep has started to become the usual for me

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Me not getting any sleep has started to become the usual for me. It's far too quiet at night for me. When the lights are out and the darkness engulfs me my thoughts take over. I was currently sleeping in a cabin all by myself due to my mom saying I wasn't in the right mind to be watching over children. Which was bullshit because I would never put the kids in danger I'm not that damn crazy. 

But you are

"Shut the fuck up," I said sighing getting up from my bed. I was in need of relief. I went to my backpack and grabbed a plastic baggie out. There were 3 colorful tabs in there that had Chester the cat on them. I smirked before taking one from the bunch and placing it on my tongue letting it dissolve. I played a game on my phone as I waited for the tab to hit. After about 15 minutes candy crush stared to look more vivid and the colors started to mesh together.


I let out a small laugh at how funny looking one of the game characters looked. I locked my phone and slipped on my crocs. I wanna go on a walk. I stumbled out of the cabin and made my way to where ever the fuck. I saw the lake and docks in the distance. I squinted my eyes and could see a girl sitting at the docks. I decided to go down there to get a closer look at who it was. Once I got closer I knew that figure from anywhere.


"What are you doing here?" I questioned catching an attitude. She didn't answer me she just kept starring at her feet that was swinging off the docks. 

Something about her was off though. Her hair was bright orange and her eyes kept seeming to change color every three seconds. Her face sort of looked weird and she had rainbow color blood pouring from her eyes. The sight made me jump back and I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest.

"Why'd you do it Stokeley?" She questioned getting up and looking at me with those empty colorful eyes. My mouth felt dry and I could barely swallow. I couldn't even form a sentence to respond.

"Why the fuck did you do it Stokeley!" She said yelling but her voice sounded morphed and demonic. I just closed my eyes and cover my ears while walking backward away from her.

"No no no no no no no," I just kept repeating to myself as I started to cry. Eventually, the noises stopped and I let my ears go and opened my eyes. 

She was gone.

Yeah but I'm not

Okay but I'm used to you

You should go for a swim

I don't want to get my clothes wet though

Who cares just fucking do it

A swim does sound nice right about now

I took my clothes off hastily and jumped in the water with a splash. Doing this made me think of that night I shared with Eudoria when we watched the sunrise.

"Ski! Why would you do that? This water is cold asf," I heard Eudoria say nearby. I turned around and saw her treading water nearby.

"I sorry mamas," I said laughing swimming towards her.

"Ski I loved y-"

Before she could finish she was drug underwater.

"Fuck Eudoria!" I yelled as I swam towards her and dove under. I swam deeper and deeper but I couldn't see her. I decided to just swim back to the surface. But everything around me was just so colorful and vivid to the point my eyes were starting to hurt, I couldn't figure out which way to swim. I started to lose air and my chest was tightening. I was so high I could barely even swim.

Your gonna die here just like you deserve

I started to fade in and out of consciousness and my lungs were screaming for air.

I deserve this

Fuck I guess this is it


I woke up because I had a sudden urge to pee. I sat up and threw on a sweatshirt before leaving the cabin quietly to not wake the girls. I made my way toward the bathhouse with my flashlight. I did my business and washed my hands before leaving out. I could hear a voice in the distance. It was probably some of the teenage campers sneaking out again. I sighed before heading towards the noise. 

The noises led me to the lake. Once the docks were in sight I could see Stokeley there. I furrowed my eyebrows confused. Why is he out here this late? I just stood there and watch him hesitantly. It looked like he was talking to someone and he honestly looked crazy as fuck. He started to cover his ears and closed his eyes. I was honestly starting to get worried for him. As much as I was mad and didn't want to speak to him I still cared for him. Even after he said that rude shit to me the other day. 

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of water splashing. I looked over and saw Ski swimming. He started talking to himself again then he dove underwater. I waited for a few seconds for him to come back up but he didn't. My lifeguard instincts kicked in and I ran down to the water. I took off my clothes as I was running. Once I got to the water I dove in after him. I spotted Stokeley easily and he seemed to be unconscious. I grabbed him and brought him to shore. I immediately started doing CPR on him but he wouldn't respond to me. I continued to do CPR as I was crying at the same time so I could barely see.

"P-please wake up St-Stokeley. I need you please no no no," I said while pressing on his chest. I put my ear close to his chest and I could hear a faint heartbeat. 

Fuck I need to get help. 

I was reluctant at first by leaving him but if I didn't he would surely die right here on this beach. I got up and ran toward the main office to call 911. Just then I seen Dio and Jahseh coming from out the basement of the main lodge. Jahseh was zipping up his pants and the two were laughing. I cringed at what they were possibly doing and pushed it to the back of my mind.

"Guy I need help!" I yelled while running towards them in full sprint.

"Woah calm down what's wrong?" Jahseh putting his hands up to stop me and looking shocked to see me.

"It-It's Ski he needs an a-ambulance. I think he was trying to kill himself," I said out of breath holding my chest.

"Where is he?" Jahseh said with his voice in full panic.

"By the docks," I said and with that, he ran down to where Stokeley was. Dio turned around and went into the office to call the ambulance I assume.

Whereas I tried to catch my breath because I felt like I was going to pass out. Not only did I have to swim I had to drag a heavy Ski out of the water, attempt CPR, and then sprint. My vision started to look fuzzy and before I knew it I was out.

God please just let him be okay.

Four more chapters left guys! Don't forget t comment and like!

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