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Taehyung looked at his reflection in his full body mirror, a small smile gracing his features. He reached for his glasses, about to slide them on his face when his door opened.

Instantly, he sighed. He heard the grumpy footsteps. Turning around, his eyes fell upon his father.

"Why are you dressed like that? Why do you always dress so old?"

"Because it's comfortable, father." He wasn't lying, it was comfortable, but he also had a reputation to uphold with his job.

"It's because of that stupid shop you run, isn't it? You should be focused on getting a husband. You're a carrier, Taehyung. You shouldn't be running a stupid pastry shop."

Taehyung steeled his body. He knew this was going to happen. His parents wanted to marry him off. The richer the man, the better.

His debut was coming up soon, and he wasn't looking forward to it.

"Father, I'm happy where I am. No need to have a grudge against my business."

"When you marry you will close down that shop. You will be closing it down before your debut."


"No! I am sick of you hiding the fact that you're a carrier. You need to be married. You're 23, Taehyung!"

"I don't care! My shop is important!"

His father stepped closer to Taehyung. He did not back down, but he knew, unfortunately, that this is an argument he wouldn't win. His father hated that he owned a business. He hated that his son was successful in doing something other than the 'family business'. Not that he'd ever run it. He was a carrier, and in his father's eyes, basically a woman.

"You will close that shop, Taehyung."

Taehyung didn't speak, but he nodded. After holding a tense eye contact with his father for a moment, he turned and slid on his glasses. Part of the reason every customer at his work though he was so old was because he wore his glasses. He was perfectly fine with contacts, liked them, even, but they fit his aesthetic at work.

"I have to leave. I'll see you later, father."

"Better tell all your customers you're closing soon. Your debut is coming up."

"Don't remind me."


"Good day! Welcome to Peachy Pastry Shop! What can I get for you?"

"Hm... I don't even know why I think about my order every time I come in here. I'd like the usual."

Taehyung nodded and grabbed a raspberry muffin from his display case. Even though his store name was Peachy, he still made other fruit flavors. After grabbing that, he turned to start making a coffee. He didn't make much for coffee, but the ones he did make were heavy on caffeine and had great flavor. Once he finished the order, he turned to see his five other usuals. They were almost uncomfortably standing next to each other.

"Boys." He said, his voice low with warning.

"Sorry." They all apologized in unison. After hearing that, he started grabbing and handing out their usuals. Once everyone had what they wanted, he went to the back of the store, going through his list for the day. He only had himself working here, but there had been occasions where one of the many mafias in the city would lend him some low-ranked men to help clean up the store. But he didn't hire anyone else for safety, and the fact that no one would trust them.

As he was checking off his list, he suddenly heard some tense whispering and a slightly raised voice. He frowned, and hurried out to the front of the store, to see the six men whisper-yelling about god-knows-what. When he got closer, he heard some words.

"- and you couldn't even keep it! What's wrong with you! You literally specialize in shit like this!"

"I'm sorry! Who knows, maybe your men took it! I mean, the Park family does like to ste-"

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare try and pin this on me. I will have you kn-"

Taehyung smacked his clipboard down on the counter, effectively shutting up the six men. They all turned to him, their faces guilty-looking.

"Get out."

"What?" one of the men asked. Hoseok.

"Get out. You all know the rules. Don't come back tomorrow." He said, his voice calm. Before retreating to the back of the store, he looked at them once more, and spoke, "All of you."


Two days later, six, tired-looking men came into the store exactly at opening time. When they had been kicked out, they took their fight elsewhere, but made a truce. Plus, they were sorry. They felt as if they couldn't live without the amazing pastries, and they had to share their secrets with someone. Plus, who else gives them information?

Taehyung allowed them all into his store, and gave them all what they wanted. It was the day, he decided, to tell them that he would be closing soon. He had no idea how they would react.

After they all sat down, Taehyung knew it was time. This is really the only time they ever converse without being violent. It was nice, really.

He walked to the few tables the men took up, and pulled up a chair.

"So.. I wanted to warn you all beforehand. I am going to be closing the shop soon. For good."

Seokjin snickered, "What? That's funny." Yoongi nodded, his lips lifting in a smile.

"There's no reason for you to be closing, so why try and scare us?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious."

Hoseok was staring at his face, and scoffed, "Why are you closing? Is it because of money? All of us could pay any amount-"

"It's not money. I just- some things in my personal life are going to happen, and I can't have the store open anymore." Taehyung sounded sad. This store was his pride and joy.

Jungkook shook his head, "No. This store can't close. What's going to happen? Tell us."

"I can't, I'm sorry."

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