What now? - Epilogue

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Chapter 15 - Oliver

'What do we do now? Jack asked.

'I don't know. Date? I've never cared about a girl enough to go further than dating. We always broke up before things got serious. This is serious, isn't it?'

'You are not going anywhere boyfriend' He smiled.

'Boyfriend. I like the sound of that.' I really did.

It had been a few years since that moment, right after we found each other, and I always came back to it in my thoughts. It hadn't lasted of course. We had a good run, the rest of Jacks time at University in fact. But he had to leave at some point and the travelling was just far to much for him whilst trying to hold down a full-time job. I was putting all my spare time into the launch of my first official, full length video game and there wasn't a moment to spare.

I remember the day I ended things. Yes, I was the one to end it. I regretted that decision every day but he was making himself sick trying to find time to visit, and I was in my final year so there wasn't much time for me to take the burden of travel either. The look on his face killed me.

'Jack, we need to talk.' Everyone knows that's universal language for breaking up. The pain in his eyes was already setting in. We sat down on his sofa and I grabbed his hands. 'I love you with all my heart, and this is the best thing that has ever happened to me. But you are making yourself sick and I just can't see you like this. I think it would be best if we end things.'

His face turned white and he pulled his hands from mine. You could see him struggling inside for words. 'Is there someone else?' How could he even think that?

'Of course not. You mean the world to me and you help the ones you love. I will be helping if I do this.'

I am tearing up just remembering this moment. I am on the train for Christ sake! I bet I look like the train weirdo today - there is always one. I finally finished University, today in fact. I am heading straight home, no hanging around - I just kept myself to myself the past year trying to get over Jack. I got a job lined up at a gamers magazine for as soon as I left, and it is only 4 days a week so I can spend some time on creating games as well.

The magazine company isn't located in my home town so I am going home to get some things and see my family before I go. I am a little scared but it will be worth it - getting to do what I love. Oh and there's the other thing.

I get home and see my family and pack my stuff. I've been given the use of my moms car for a week so I can take my stuff to my new home. The journey is a bit long but the thought of my life from now on keeps me going.

There is something missing at the moment though - Jack. That's my first stop actually. I should probably mention the place I'm moving to is where Jack lives. I could make games anywhere and there happened to be an opening in a gaming mag by him so I thought why not? But would he want me back? I think back to the day we broke up.

'...I will be helping if I do this.' Now I was doing it, I didn't feel so sure about that and I think Jack sensed that.

'Then let this not be the end. We are busy now but what about after you finish? Promise you will come back for me?' I had to think about this. What if he had moved on by the time I was ready? I couldn't bear it if I found him to find him happy with someone else.

'Are you sure? You know there is a chance one of us could move on before then. Is it worth the risk?'

I hoped he hadn't moved on. This past year was torture not being with him, and I had no idea how he was feeling. It was too painful trying to stay in contact so we decided to cut contact. Now I had no idea where I stood, but it would be worth it.

I pulled up outside his place and knocked on the door. It opened and a guy stood there, someone I did not recognised. Shit, he had moved on. 'Sorry, wrong place.' I start to walk away but he pulls on my shoulder and stops me.

'You came back for him! Oh my god, wait here.' He ran off and I stood a bit perplexed at the door.

Chapter 15 - Jack

'Yo, I think you should come to the door.' My room-mate Tim was beaming from ear to ear.

'What the hell Tim? You look like an idiot.' I get up and make my way towards the door. 'If this is just those Jehovah's Witnesses again I'll ki...' I trail off because standing in front of me is Oliver.

'Hi,' he says.

'Hi.' is all I can reply.

'I came back. I don't know if you have moved on or anything but here I am.' I couldn't speak. I tried but nothing was coming out.

'He came back for you Jack, maybe now you can cheer the fuck up. He has been a miserable git this past week wondering if you would turn up.' he redressed the sentence to Oliver. 'Now I think I best be leaving, left the oven on at work, the dog ate my hat and I need to replace it. You know, one of those sort of things. Bye'. He dashed out the door and Oliver made his way into the house.


'So...' I replied. At least one word would come out. Why couldn't I speak?! I didn't need to worry though because He marched up to me and took me in his arms, placed his lips passionately onto mine and we kissed away the pain of the last year. Tears were mixing down our cheeks, smiles were trying to get out of the kiss. This was so right.

I needn't have worried about talking because we kissed our way into my bedroom. We had a lot of time to make up for and if I remember correctly, we both had insatiable appetites.

'Wait wait wait wait.' Now I speak?! And to stop this? I curse my brain because the doubts have started to appear. 'I can't do this. This will happen all over again - you will get too busy like I did and we won't be able to keep up travelling and I'll be heartbroken once more. Sorry Ollie'. I go to get up and straighten out my clothes but he just pulls me back down onto the bed.

'Where the hell do you think you are going? And who said time will repeat itself? If you remember correctly, we haven't spoke in about 7 months so you have no idea what my plans are. And fyi, they are local.' He was going to be living here?

'Wh... you mean...?'

'Yes, I am living here. If you paid attention, you would have seen a car with a fuck ton of stuff in it outside. They aren't my lucky charms you idiot. You were just the first place I wanted to come to when I got here.'

I kissed him. Lightly at first, but I increased intensity and climbed on top of him. I wanted to devour him all night long. But first, I needed to take in every inch with my eyes - I had missed him so much and there had been no one else. There could be no one else. I needed to study him and make a new mental image.

He ran his hands up my back and I shivered. I had missed this. My member had to as it was already ready to go. I needed Ollie so much and without thinking, I ripped his bottoms off and flipped him over. There would be time to play nice later. For now, I had a hunger only this would satisfy.

Instantly I moved my mouth straight down and began to lick, and taste at his bud. I wanted him in me, but I knew he was partial to a little foreplay like this. I could hear him moaning and see him grabbing for his member before too long. I needed him. So I grabbed for what I needed and used a generous amount of lube on myself, throwing him a condom.

It wasn't long before I sat down on top of him and let something take me over as I slammed down again and again. We came pretty fast. 

I rolled off him and he turned to face me, stroking my cheek softly. 'Well that was interesting' he teased and then planted his lips on mine and began to run his hands all the way over my chest, legs and bum. What? I did say we had insatiable appetites...

After I finally lost count of all the love making, we curled up into my bed and snuggled down. 'I could get used to this'. 

'Oh, we will. We have all the time in the world' 

And we really did. 

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