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"Icarus, who's this?" Daedalus asked, frozen to the spot.

Both Apollo and Icarus' heads spun around to see Daedalus staring at them from the base of his work room stairs. In one hand, he was clutching a fistful of feathers, and in the other hand he was holding a pot of wax, clearly having been working on the next set of wings for himself.

Icarus was frozen in place, his face still in close proximity to Apollo. He didn't know what to say, saying he was the lover of a god didn't sound believable in his head, let alone out loud.

Daedalus looked from Icarus to Apollo for a few seconds

Apollo though, didn't seem so conflicted.

He didn't look panicked, nor did he look shocked or surprised or concerned in the slightest. He looked calm, serene even. There was a small smile on his face, and he didn't jerk away from Icarus; his hand stayed atop of his and encircled it warmly, as if to tell him that it will be okay.

Apollo didn't appear worried in the slightest by the fact that Daedalus was staring right at him. In fact, he got up from his seat on the window sill next to Icarus and went to greet Daedalus.

"You must be Icarus' father." He smiled warmly, as he usually did. "My name is Apollo, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Daedalus didn't say anything, nor did he move. He didn't even blink. It seemed to take him a few seconds to realise the connotations of the name Apollo, and then it took him another few seconds to realise he was, in fact, talking to a god.

"I..." Daedalus struggled to find the right words. "I'm sorry I don't know what to say."

Apollo laughed. He was clearly used to this degree of surprise. "It's okay Daedalus, I know this may be shocking to you." He put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Daedalus looked Apollo in the eyes, and Icarus could tell that he was thinking he doesn't look like the statues in the temple, which made him smile. Daedalus then looked to Icarus with a raised eyebrow, as if to say how?

If he'd asked, Icarus wasn't sure he'd be able to give him an answer.

After a few seconds of looking between Icarus and Apollo and trying to understand the connection between the two, he finally asked "Why are you here? Why are you taking to my son?"

"He prayed to me often." Apollo replied. "He was lonely, he wanted something better. I visited him in hopes that I could give him that."

"Apollo comes by regularly father." Icarus piped up, after finally finding the resolve to say something. "He takes me to the beach sometimes, that's where I sneak off to."

Daedalus seemed to be trapped in a world of disbelief. His mouth was flapping open and closed over and over again like a fish gasping for air- he was at a complete loss. He was in the presence of a god, his son was maybe friends with a god? The words to describe the situation just couldn't form in his head.

"How long has this been going on for?" He struggled to ask. "How long has Apollo been visiting you?"

Icarus thought for a second. "A few months maybe? I'm not sure. A few weeks before you finished the Labyrinth."

Daedalus nodded. "Are you both...friends then?"

Icarus opened his mouth to speak, but Apollo interjected. "I suppose you could say that." He shot Icarus a look that said something along the lines of don't tell him.

Icarus wanted to. He wanted to be honest with his father, he desperately wanted to tell him the truth but Apollo didn't seem to think such a thing was wise. It hurt a little bit, but it was for the best, wasn't it?

The Fall of Icarus (Book 1 in the Apollo series)Where stories live. Discover now