Chapter 2

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3rd person POV: 

"But it doesn't make sense, who else could it be!" Louis' exclaimed, rubbing his hands over his tired face.

The poor boy was worn, after two weeks of searching, nothing. They had interviewed all of Eleanor's relatives and close friends, all the shop owners near the area where Harry was kidnapped, and they came up empty handed. Simon even had Harrys hat tested for DNA, but still, nothing. As soon as Simon and the boys think that they found something, they seem to hit yet another dead end. 

Private investigator Jackson had just finished interrogating Eleanor's maid of honour, yet the young girl appeared un aware that Eleanor was even missing. According to all of her Friends, they had stopped talking to her about two weeks ago. 

Louis stood behind the glass along with Liam and Simon, they could see the interrogation room, but all anyone in the room saw was a mirror. They watched the young girl as she sat in front of the table texting her friend as the investigator left the room, looking equally as frustrated as everyone else, all but Louis. The young man seemed to have poured his heart, soul and body into finding Harry once again, and although the thought was endearing it was talking a toll on his body. 

Just within the past two weeks Louis had managed to lose nearly ten pounds, his cheeks sucked in and he stopped shaving. There were dark heavy bags underneath his eyes from the lack of sleep, and he always seemed to be wearing something that harry owned. At first it wasn't to bad, he would wear Harrys scarves around his wrist or head, but soon Louis took Harrys shirts sweaters and pants and began wearing them. The large clothing made Louis look even smaller then he already was, making the weight loss that more prominent. He refused to wash the clothes, arguing that it smelt to much like Harry and he didn't want to ruin it. They were one of the few things that brought Louis comfort.

Unlike last time Harry went missing, this time there was blood. His hat was gone and Harry didn't tell anyone that he was leaving, not even his mum. That was how Louis and everyone else knew that Harry was not running off to escape, but that he was kidnapped. The tall curly haired lad would tell someone if he was leaving, he wouldn't worry his family and friends like that. 

The detective entered the small viewing room and let out a deep sigh, putting the beige folder done on the small metal table in front of them. 

"That was the last of Eleanors connections, we've gone through everyone. Listen guys, I think we need to start looking at other suspects." He proposed. 

Louis had  Harrys sweater sleeves pulled over both of his hands, nibbling softly on the nub that was left of his finger nails. Immediately after the P.I had spoken Louis looked over at him and glared. 

"Who? Who else would want to take Harry away? Huh? Everyone loves him, he's a fucking ray of sunshine, who else in the world would be possessed enough to take my Hazza!" He roared, slamming his hands down on the table. 

A loud clang could be heard in the room, everyone was left speechless. After a few moments of silence Liam walked forward, wrapping his arms around Louis' shoulders and pulling him to his chest. Seconds later whimpers could be heard, followed shortly by sobs as Louis lost himself for what felt liek the thousandth time. 

"I-I just wa-want him back." He wept. "There-theres so many thi-things I n-never got to te-tell him." 

Liam mearly rubbed Louis' back, knowing to stay quiet when Louis was like this. It didn't take long for the band members and Simon to realize that Louis had developed feelings for Harry, in fact Louis basically sobbed that he loved the curly haired chap on the sixth day of the investigation.

Once Louis had calmed down slightly, his sobs reduced to sniffles, Jackson pulled out a folder from under his beige trench coat. 

"My team and I searched through some of Harrys mail and we have a list of people that, based on the letters they sent,  might target Harry. With their profiles we've also included the letters as well contact information. I have the orignal copy at my office and we will begin to bring in these men and interrogate them as soon as possible." He notified them.

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