Louis' Story

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"Happy birthday Lou!" Niall exclaimed as his best friend walked into the shop. Niall was working behind the counter like always. Louis fixed his glasses on his nose and made his way to Niall. A customer walked up to Niall and asked him how much the total would be for the items she placed on the the counter. Louis thought it would be fun working at ToysRus with Niall but he didn't have the energy. He was always at home sleeping or binge watching netflix in his living room. His parents would bug him about chores every few minutes so he'd resort to calling Niall, with the home phone of course, and heading to his house, or job, whichever he was occupied with at the time.

The lady walked away from the counter and thanked him, heading for the exit. Louis walked to the counter where NIall let him through the swinging half door that closed off the area from public. Louis leaned against the counter next to Niall's and sighed. "Not really all that happy, but thanks." Niall turned to face the smaller boy with a quizzical look. "And why's that?" Louis huffed and crossed his sweater covered arms over his chest. "Well, it's my birthday and my parents are still making me help clean up the house and decorate the tree. I mean sure, it's Christmas tomorrow but why do they have to put me to work all the time? I have four sisters for God sake." Niall chuckled and patted his back before using the mouse to click around the computer.

"Aye, at least it'll be over tomorrow."

"What? My birthday?" Louis asked, looking hurt. "No," Niall laughed, "the decorating and cleaning."

"Um no, do you even know my parents?" Louis questioned with raised brows. "Okay fine, the decorating at least." Louis nodded and relaxed against the counter again. "Are you doing anything exciting? It is you're sixteenth birthday you know?"

"Yes Niall, I'm aware of my age. But no, my parents say that we can't afford anything crazy. Maybe a movie tomorrow though." Louis turned around as he heard a voice at the counter he stood at. "Excuse, me? Do you know where I could find the barbie dolls?" A woman asked in a rude tone. "Does it look like I play with dolls Miss? Ask him." He pointed to the blonde boy next to him and the woman glared before moving to the next checkout.Niall chuckled at his friend's attitude and apologized to the lady. She didn't acknowledge his apology making Louis roll his eyes and turn back around to face the wall. "Well, mate, maybe that means you'll get a good gift tomorrow." Niall reassured him. "Perhaps...a phone."

"Doubt that." Louis mumbled.

"If it doesn't work out I'll take you some place, okay? Just cheer up!" Niall pestered. Louis turned around and hummed a Christmas song to himself. "I'm gonna go walk about. Maybe pick something up for the twins." Niall nodded but then looked at Louis with a questioning glance. "Wait, Lou, didn't you already but them each three gifts? You hardly get one for yourself." Louis chuckled then stepped out from behind the counter. "Yeah, but they're little and deserve to have loads of gifts. Plus, I remember when I was little I would wake up to around twenty gifts and I want that for them too, it was so exciting."

"You know Louis, you deserve so much more than you get. You're so sweet to those girls." Niall praised. Louis shook his head and chuckled, "Try telling my parents that." Niall laughed sympathetically and nodded. Louis turned back to the aisles and scanned each one as he walked down them. He saw a few things he thought they'd like and carried them the best he could. Suddenly he saw a pink plastic desk set with a mirror. He didn't know the name and you can't really blame him. He is a guy of course. The mirror connected to the kit had lights and buttons that supposedly opened droors on the desk. Inside the desk droor there was a makeup kit and a brush. That'd be perfect for his sisters.

Louis fumbled with his sweater sleeves and set down the items he'd already chosen. 'I'll just go get a cart and hope for the best.' Louis thought. He made his way back to the front of the store and pulled out a cart. "Find anything?" Niall asked when he passed by his mate, on his way to help a customer. "Yep, already needing a cart for it all." Louis laughed at himself.

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