#Louis imagine(Molly)

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You were best friends with Harry from one direction. He invited you to come play truth or dare with him and the lads and you happily agreed. 

“Okay Molly, truth or dare?” Harry asked. 

“Truth” you said, knowing that any dare would have been worse. 

“Who do you like?” He asked. 

‘Not that, abort abort! Anything but this question would have been better than any dare’ you thought. 

You had a huge crush on Louis and you didn’t want anyone to know, especially not Louis. Considering he was in the room. 

You blushed and looked down at your hands. 

“Come one, tell us” Liam urged. 

“I like a lot of people, I like my family, my friends, a lot of people” you said, hoping they would accept the answer. 

“You know what I mean” Harry said. 

“I don’t want to say” you said quietly. 

“Come on, we’re all friends here” Niall said with a mouth full of potato chips. 

“Fine, I like-” you started. 

All the lads seemed to slowly get close to you, waiting to hear what you were going to say. 

“Louis” you whispered. 

All the lads looked at Louis in shock. 

Louis had a shocked look on his face. You couldn’t take it anymore. 

You got up and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind you and sitting on the toilet (seat down of course)

The tears started to make their way down your face. 

“Molly, can I come in?” You heard Louis ask. 

You unlocked the door, not bothering to open it. 

Louis walked in and stood in front of you. 

“Why didn’t you ever tell me that you liked me?” He asked. 

“Cause I knew you would never like me, and now I’ve gone and smucked everything up” you said, tears still falling down your face. 

“Molly, I’ve liked you ever since the day I laid eyes on you” Louis said. 

You blushed as looked down. 

“Look at me, love” Louis said lifting your face up. 

He looked at your lips then back to your eyes. 

Feeling a lot better, you leaned up and let your lips drift to Louis’s.

You both pulled away smiling. 

“Will you be my girlfriend Molly?” Louis asked. 

You smiled wider and nodded. You leaned back in and kissed him again. 

You felt him smile into the kiss and you smiled to and wrapped your arms around his neck as he did your waist. 

“Finally!” You heard someone say. 

You both look over to where the sound came from and saw a smiling Harry standing in the doorway. 

You both laughed and Louis took your hand and pulled you out of the bathroom to the living room where the other lads were. 

They raised their eyebrows at yours and Louis intertwined fingers. 

“I’d like you all to meet my girlfriend” Louis smiled. 

You blushed with a huge smile on your face. 

“Finally!” They all said together. 

You all laughed and watched movies. To which you spent the night snuggled into Louis’s side and receiving a few kisses here and there.

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