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"PHOEBE, JAS TOOK MY PHONE!" Phoebe groaned as her little brother's voice echoed down the hall

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"PHOEBE, JAS TOOK MY PHONE!" Phoebe groaned as her little brother's voice echoed down the hall. The girl tossed her phone down on her bed, dragging her feet into the kitchen, to the source of the noise. There Jasper, the middle child, stood with Raymond's phone held high above his head. "Why couldn't mum have more girls?" She shook her head at her brothers.

The boys turned to her, Jasper sticking his tongue out, and Raymond letting out a high pitch whine. Phoebe rolled her eyes, snatching the phone out of Jasper's hand easily. The boy was 12 and barely five feet. She returned the phone to Raymond, smacking Jasper on the back of the head. As she turned to leave the room, a quiet murmur started behind her back and quickly rose to yelling. The girl swiveled around quickly, setting a harsh glare on the boys that immediately shut them up. 

Of course not for long because Raymond's little voice was whining her name again. "Yes, Ray?" Phoebe said, taking a deep breath so as not to go off on her nine-year-old brother. "Is that a boy hoodie?" Phoebe paused, her eyes trailing down to her torso where Oliver's hoodie remained. She found herself at a loss for words staring into her brother's big innocent eyes, mouth moving up and down a few times before it kick-started into about six different sentences. "No, I uh-" "'Cause it looks like a boy hoodie." Raymond elaborated. "Yeah, it's kinda big on you." Jasper added. Phoebe looked between the two boys, Jasper's wide smirk and Raymond's wide eyes, not knowing at all how to put the situation. 

The reputation she carried with her, while not one she minded entirely, was a heavy one. She was constantly fearful of her mother hearing gossip from the neighbors down the street at one of her book club meetings or Jasper hearing a horrid lie from one of his friends. She had a constant anxiety of letting strangers know the truth of who she was and her loved ones knowing the lies of who she pretended to be. So, no, she didn't particularly feel like telling her brothers exactly who's hoodie she was wearing. She didn't even truly know who Oliver was to her. Call her easy, but she was beginning to get a bit scared of what he was to her. She had never gotten that close to losing her virginity before and if she was honest, she wasn't opposed to getting closer with him. Phoebe didn't tend to get crushes. It didn't work for her reputation. If she got crushes, she'd want to date them, and if she dated them, she'd have to tell them the truth. 

But, she had never met someone like Oliver. Someone who wasn't an asshole and didn't treat her like just another notch on their belt. He had actual conversations with her and didn't objectify her, he was a rarity in the dating pool of Moordale Secondary. And though she felt ease and comfort with him, she knew she would have to tiptoe if she wanted to give this a shot. But, her family did not need to know any of this.

"I-It's just a friend's. They let me borrow it." Phoebe offered the boys a lopsided smile, tugging at the sleeves of the hoodie. Raymond seemed to be content with Phoebe's answer, picking his crayon back up from where he had abandoned it on the table. Jasper, however, only seemed more fueled, "Is it your boyfriend." He teased with a wide grin. Phoebe sighed, "No, he's not my boyfriend, Jas. Why can't you be more like Ray?" "Because Ray's nine. He's a baby. I'm too matore to be like Ray." Jasper said, hands proudly resting on his hips as he grinned at his big sister. "It's mature, love." Phoebe corrected before quickly escaping back into her room. 

Phoebe paused as she shut the door behind her, eyes catching on the mirror. It didn't look like a boy hoodie. What does that even mean? Kids are stupid. She scowled, swiping her palm across her face as she gazed at her reflection. Okay, it was a little big on her and the design wasn't something she'd typically wear. When did kids start picking up on that stuff? The girl sighed, bringing her hands up to her face once more. She took a deep breath in, her heart stuttering at the scent of cologne and weed lingering on the fabric. She withdrew her hands quickly, wiping the crusts from her wide eyes. She's just tired, that's all.


"HEY OLLIE, HERE'S YOUR HOODIE. THANKS FOR LETTING ME BORROW IT." Phoebe smiled the next day, extending the cursed fabric to the boy. The quicker she got rid of that thing, the better. Ollie's smile faded, his gaze trailing to the hoodie in Phoebe's grasp before he looked back up at the girl. "You can keep it, I've got plenty." He waved with a small smile. Phoebe's brows furrowed, her hands slowly lowering back down. " sure?" She questioned, still not quite sure if she was elated with this news or completely devastated. Ollie nodded his head, but caught sight of someone else behind Phoebe.

"I'll catch up with you later. You're coming to Aimee's party, right?" Oliver said, slowly walking backward as he departed her. Phoebe nodded her head, she hadn't spoken to Aimee that day yet, but she assumed the girl wouldn't mind her presence. "Brilliant!" Ollie grinned, turning away from the girl and running to catch up with one of his friends. Phoebe stood alone for a moment, a soft smile tugging at her lips. Her grip on Oliver's hoodie tightened at the prospect of seeing him soon. An excited swarm of butterflies seemed to flutter throughout Phoebe's stomach at the thought. But, the feeling was quickly replaced with dread. Because, oh shit. It was a party with Oliver fucking Whitehall. 

Phoebe was a nervous wreck by the time her free period came around and she knew the other girls could tell. Aimee was doing a nice job of ignoring it though, unlike Maeve who had been starring her down since she walked in. Or even Bonnie, who's eyes kept glancing at her friend with the expression of a doting mother. It was beginning to get on Phoebe's nerves, them looking at her like they were waiting for her to break. Aimee's oblivious ramblings were something Phoebe was extremely grateful for in that moment. "So, I broke up with him. And now he's all bothered that I won't invite him to my party, but like we've broken up? So, if you lot see him, let me now, okay? You guys are coming, right?" Aimee pauses in her ramble to confirm. The girls all nod. Aimee smiles widely at them with a single nod. It's quiet for a moment before Aimee perks up. "So, what's been going on with you all?"

 Maeve was the first to talk, leaning in like she was letting them in on a secret. "I've got a secret sex clinic." She stage whispers, smirk taking residence on her lips. "Well, that was not what I was expecting," Phoebe whispers lowly, eyes widening at Maeve's confession.

Maeve rolls her eyes before elaborating. "So, you know that kid who's mum wanked off that zucchini?" Maeve paused as the group nodded before continuing. "And you know how Adam flashed everyone at lunch the other day?" The group nodded once more, eager to see where Maeve was going with this. "Well, it was that kid. He talked to Adam, and his words made Adam cum!" Maeve grinned at the girls, the most excited Phoebe's seen her. "This Otis kid, he's got a talent. And I'm going to have money. So, we're starting a sex clinic. He gives the advice, I get him the clients." Maeve leans back, an indication she's done. Aimee grins at her friend. Her eyes are wide and she seems confused still, but excited for Maeve. "You're like a proper businesswoman, Maeve!" She shrieks with a burst of happiness. "Thank you, Aimes." Maeve smiles, seeming quite pleased with herself. 

Phoebe thinks the whole situation is quite bizarre. Wanker mum's kid? That kid radiated virginity. How was he going to give sex advice? And who would even go to him, let alone pay for his advice? He was sixteen! The whole thing seemed completely impossible and ridiculous. But, still, Phoebe couldn't crush the curiosity of how good this kid's advice was. He did make Adam cum. So, he can't be complete shit. Can he?


i'm really trying with this whole not updating once a year thing and i know i'm only on the 2nd chapter, but i'm kinda proud of myself and i'm pretty excited for the next chapter so hopefully i'll have that up soon. my goal is to get this done by valentine's day so i can release another story i've been working on and then hopefully actually finnish baf because i haven't updated that since august yike

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