part one

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"Man, this station is buggin'!" Hoseok declared, shoulders slumping as he handed Taehyung the six, bundled up dollar bills.

Taehyung grabbed the money eagerly, letting out a melodic whistle as the familiar sound of Elton John and Kiki Dee drifted into the room.

Hoseok sent a glare at the small radio that was perched up on the counter.

"Damn radio. How is anyone meant to get down to Elton John?" The bitter man scoffed.

"I like this song." Jimin offered, causing Hoseok to frown.

"Of course you do." He glared.

"I don't get why you play this game with him in the first place." Jimin shook his head. "Tae literally works at a record shop. He gets paid to listen to music all day."

"He's got a point." Taehyung grinned, unable to hide his smugness.

Taehyung had been working at Rose's Records approaching six months now. Business was usually slow up until around the time the neighboring high schools' kids got out, which would bring a storm of students all looking to snag or listen to whatever records were hot at the moment.

It was during the still hours before the flood of adolescents that Taehyung would bring out his handy dandy portable radio and tune in to his favorite radio stations, noting what songs were played and requested most.

He spent most of his days in the shop, the cluttered store becoming like a second home to him. He had grown to love the old brick red nylon carpet, although the orange-toned flame stitch wallpaper that crawled up the walls had yet to grow on him.

"Whatever. At least Elton John is better than The Beach Boys."

At Hoseok's comment, Jimin's eyes widened in confusion, "What's wrong with The Beach Boys?"

Alright, ladies and gentlemen. You've waited all day for it. It's 'bout that time you've all been waiting for.

At the sound of the disc jockey coming on the radio, all three boys perked up, turning their heads towards the small box.

Every Friday, Taehyung's friends, Jimin and Hoseok, came over the shop to keep him company. A month back, Hoseok had proposed that the three of them played a game to see who could guess the top three songs of the week. Jimin, being the pacifist he was, politely declined, claiming he had no interest in a game that could lead to tensions between friends. Thus forcing Hoseok and Taehyung to go head to head each week, both boys putting in their three dollars in the betting pool.

As per the rules of the game, if Hoseok's #1 choice song came in first, then he would take back the six dollars and ultimately win the game this week.

Pressing his lips together anxiously, the two bidders listened for the radio man's next words.

So go ahead, cool cats, and turn your radios all the way up because at spot number one is this week's groove... Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry!

A loud holler erupted from Hoseok's mouth at the sound of his song prediction coming true, clapping his hands together excitedly as he did so.

"You hear that? In your face!" Hoseok cheered loudly as he plucked the money back from Taehyung.

"Right on, Hobi." Jimin praised through a laugh.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, watching as his boisterous friend turned up the radio's volume to the max.

"Listen closely, boys. This is what men listen to." Hoseok enthused theatrically, gyrating his hips along with the beat. A chuckle escaped Taehyung as the chorus of the song hit and his friend broke out into full dance.

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