Journal #3

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What do you think freedom means in America?  Why is freedom so important?

  I guess freedom in America means to know that you won't be attacked by someone from another country or even the same country. Some people take advantage of the little things and complain about not having bigger things. Freedom to me is having the freewill to go to certain places and do certain things.Freedom to me is being allowed to have a say in the world. I am grateful for every little thing in my life. I may have asked for many big things from my mom or older family members, but I don't get any of them right away. I can always wait to get what I want because like everyone says, "You can't always get your way." Freedom is very important to many people. So many people take advantage of that freedom they have, but many other places in the world don't have as much freedom.  For all we know, they might not have any freedom at all. Everyone wants and deserves a little bit of freedom. We may not have complete freedom because of the rules and the laws, but they are there for the safety of everyone including yourself.

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