The pee dream, and wetting...

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I went to bed last night as usual in my tight silk/satin boxers, dark blue this time and a tshirt. I knew it was going to be cold later on at night so I brought some extra blankets into bed.

This morning was a very cold one for Florida and I went to bed cuddled up in the blankets and covers. I had some tea before bed which I love and fell off to sleep.

I woke up very early in the morning having to pee and shivering in bed so I pulled every blanket and cover over top of me and went back to sleep. A couple hours later I woke up again absolutely bursting to pee, but I was so cold i refused to get out of bed as i needed to pee so badly.

I managed to get back to sleep waking up an hour later with pee at the very tip wanting to come rushing out, but i clamped my muscles and closed my legs tight still shivering from how cold it was. Grabbing myself, I managed to fall asleep one more time.

Then I had the dream... I needed to pee so badly and found a bathroom and started to let go. I quickly woke up to a warm feeling in my little boxers. I must have peed some as they were super warm.

Half asleep I felt more pee escape immediately warming the front of my boxers. I reached under the covers to feel with my hand and noticed a small puddle on the bed. I must have peed a lot more than i thought.

At that point another spurt came out and being super turned on and desperate I just relax and let it come. Warm, almost hot pee instantly shot out the tip and flooded the front, sides, and back of my tight little boxers that just couldnt hold any of it in.

I spread my legs a bit to let the flow come out easier. A violent pee literally hissed against the boxers under the bed. The puddle flowing all around me in bed, soaking my tshirt, making the grey shirt almost look black from being wet.

I started rubbing the front of my shorts as I pissed away probably a minute and a half. The pool of pee flowed clear up to my pillow which i quickly got out of the way of the mess.

At last I was finally done wetting the bed like a little boy, but the pleasure of letting go like that was amazing. The cold Florida morning turned very warm and steamy in just a couple minutes :) Hope you liked my adventure!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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The pee dream, and wetting...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ