Day 7

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I tried and tried to access it but nothing happened. I pulled on it I sucked it. I even asked it to come out. I shouted hotkeys to see if something would happen but nothing would. It seemed hopeless.

But eventually, the plug popped out for a brief second. Suddenly all of my dark magic power exploded out of me. The explosion was so overpowering after being compressed into the small space by the barriers that the barriers shattered. And after that was when I saw the true power of the magic. The entire building started to get vapourised. I saw the floors and people being swallowed by the ink-like blackness and turn into something that looked like dry black charcoal. Then turn to dust. Eventually, the mushroom cloud of ink faded away. All that was left of the building which had once been huge was a pile of black dust. I was neck-deep in dust and the pile went on likely 2 or 3 kilometres(1.24 or 1.87 miles)

It was complete chaos. The ash was inside a crater. with roughly that depth as well as width. I was slowly sinking in the dust getting more and more enveloped. I felt weak as if much of my lifeforce was missing. When I looked inside myself for magic there was only blood magic remaining. And due to my long fast, it was a pitiful supply. I slowly pushed against the intense aching of my muscles to swim through the dust. But after about 100m of swimming through fine dense dust, I collapsed. It was impossible. I then slowly sunk to my doom. Dropping slowly through the mountain. Once I was a couple of metres down there was no air left so I started to suffocate and then nothing. I wondered if I could respawn?

P.s. The answer is no

p.p.s. But that doesn't mean the story is over.

p.p.p.s The second message was for when this was the last chapter.

p.p.p.p.s And no I'm not removing the messages

p.p.p.p.p.s There were 3 weeks between this chapter and the next

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