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When I met Dex I knew what he was into; I wanted to become apart of his hustle, in a much smaller dosage of course. I knew what we were going into, but I never imagined myself falling in love with him. I never imagined myself marrying him. I never imagined myself having two beautiful children with him and bearing every heartache and struggle along the way but I did. And now we're here. Sometimes I ask myself, do I really know the man I lay with every night at all? Is his body here, but his heart and mind somewhere else?

"Anymore where that came from or did yall asses drink up the whole damn liquor cabinet?" Rome asked as smiling at me.

I laughed. "You think I'd still be up if we did? Where's Dex?" I asked full of concern.

"He's on his way, don't worry. Everyone running around like a chicken with they head cut off like we aint deal with shit like this before." He replied. I rolled my eyes before ashing my blunt.

"You guys dropped that remember? Remember when everyone decided to move on with their lives and do better?"

"We dropped it, don't mean the streets did."

I sighed as looking at the skyline, watching the lights twinkle and glisten.

"You're safe." He said drawing my attention back to him. "Your kids are safe. I'd never let anything happen to yall" He said as looking in my eyes.

Dex then walked in and shook the body guards hand giving him a nod. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. I swear I never hugged him so hard in my life. All this worrying and non-stop thinking I didn't realize how much I needed the comfort of my man.

"You okay baby girl?" Dex asked as rubbing his thumb across my cheek and looking into my eyes.

"I was worried. Just so worried." I replied before a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Hey hey, Liza. I'm not ever gonna let anything happen to you or our kids baby girl you gotta believe that."

"I believe you. I love you."

"I love you more."

He held me close for a little longer before picking me up and bringing me to our room. He laid me down on our silk sheets and gently kissed my lips.

"Let me calm your nerves, don't no blunt compare to this." He whispered as taking off my panties. I laid my head back allowing his kisses to wash over me.

He wrapped his hand around my neck, kissing it with passion, inhaling my sweet scent. He then caressed my breast swirling his tongue around each nipple one by one creating a trail of kisses down my soft plush stomach leading to my essence that was now soaking wet. I gasped as he gripped my thighs, his hands sinking into them. His lips touching my inner thighs until his tongue reached my entrance that had been crying out. I laid my head down and melted into our silk sheets arching my back. I caressed his head as he played in my waters.

He was right, a blunt definitely could never compare to this.

The Next Morning 

Cheesy eggs, grits, sausages, bacon, pancakes, and waffles laid across our large dining table.

"Mmmm it smells good." Dex said as coming up behind me and planting a kiss on my neck as I set the table.

"Goodmorning to you too" I said softly before turning around and looking up at him.

He wrapped his strong hand around my neck kissing me slow and deeply.

"Wow mom you cooked way too much." Our son, Levi said wide eyed as looking at the table.

"Mommy cooked just enough mmm looks yummy in my tummy!" Luna exclaimed.

I chuckled at the two of them as they found their seats at the table. Pineapples, Candy, Riah and Jamal followed behind them ready to eat.

"Come sit baby girl come on you did enough" Dex said as holding out his hand.

"Okay." I replied. I sat down before Dex pushed my chair in and sitting beside me at the head of the table.

"Let's pray" Dex said as looking around, I nodded before laying my hand in his. We all joined hands and bowed our heads.

"Dear heavenly Father, I want to thank you for this delicious meal laid before us prepared by my beautiful wife. Thank you for waking everyone at this table up this morning, and thank you for keeping all of us safe. Amen."

"Yes! Let's dig in!" Luna exclaimed.


"Sooo me and my brothers have been talking about everything that has been going on." Dex said as coming next to me as I washed the dishes. "Here let me help you baby girl."

"Did you find out what that was all about?" I asked.

"Not yet" he replied.

I looked up at him concerned.

"We're thinking about going on vacation, you know the whole entire family. We don't know what's going on or who shot up my art show yet but I have an idea. So while our connects figure this shit out, we think it's best if we all just head out the country for a little."

"Is it that bad?"

Dex laughed. "No baby no, I just think it's best for right now and we been working so hard for years to live a better life. I think we all deserve this shit. Specially you. So yall ladies figure out where yall wanna go and I'll handle the rest."

"You forreal?" I asked with excitement.

Dex chuckled. "Yes, I'm forreal."

"Well of course we gotta go somewhere warm it's been so cold! Oh shit, I gotta go shopping Luna and Levi need new bathing suits and I-"

"Take ya lil sister, Pineapples & Candy with you too" Dex said with a grin as holding out his bank card.

" You know you can't always shut me up with ya card right?" I replied scowling.

He chuckled. "Just let me take care of you." He said softly as bringing his hands around me hugging me tight.

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