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Narrator P.O.V

It was the year of 1963, Allison Morris had just finished up her last day of high school. It was now time for summer, hanging out with friends, staying up late, and going to parties. She was smart, beautiful, and kind. Alison was 16, and lived with her mom and little sister. Allison had brunette hair, ocean blue eyes, and freckles. She was 5'8 and skinny.
It was a warm summer day, the wind was blowing and the birds were chirping. Allison was taking her normal route home. It was a nice woodsy path, that was full of trees and a stream. The stream had a bridge that Allison would walk over, and occasionally stop to look at the view.

Allison's P.O.V

The last day of high school was finally over. I couldn't wait for the summer to get here, and it had finally arrived. I was walking home on that beutiful summer day. I was crossing the bridge connecting my side of the stream to the other, daydreaming about all the fun I would have this summer.
My family never had a lot of money. My mom worked two jobs just so she could make ends meet for my sister and I. My dad left us after my sister, Lyla was born. I was thinking about getting a summer job to help my mom out. I couldn't wait to get home that night.
It took me about fifteen minutes to get home. Usually I would have one of my friends walk home with me, but since it was the last day of school, I didn't want to delay them getting home any longer.
It was pretty hot, but I didn't mind. My family would usually turn the AC off to save money, so I was used to the heat by now.
I pulled my long curly brunette hair into a ponytail, and took my flannel off and tied it around my waist. It was about 4 : 30. The walk home each night was peaceful and calming, especially after a long dreadful day at school.
It was about 4 : 45 when I made it home, I had stopped to admire the veiw a few times.
I was just about to open my front door when I heard a familiar voice.

" Hey Ali, how was the last day? " I heard the voice ask.

I turned around to see my friends Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy standing there. The voice that had called to me belonged to Pony.

" It was great. Thanks for asking. " I told them.

I walked back down my porch, and to the sidewalk where the three boys were standing.

" So what are y'all up to? " I questioned the three.

" Nothin much, just the usual. " Johnny said in his normal shy and quiet voice.

" We we're wondering if you wanted to come to the drive in tomorrow night with us? " Dally asked me.

" Sure I should be able to, I got nothin to do. " I told them.

" Great we'll see you tomorrow night, we'll meet you outside your house around 7 : 30. " Dally told me.

" Okay, see y'all tomorrow. Night guys. " I said to all of them. I was really excited for tomorrow. I could barely wait.
I entered the house. My sister was coloring on the floor. She loved art and was really creative. Her name was Lyla, she was twelve. She looked a lot like my mom. Dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. She was always coloring, painting, and sculpting. She would do art with anything she could. A few months back I even found her using leaves and mud to make designs on a peice of paper. They turned out really good, well for being done with leaves and mud.
My mom was in the kitchen. Making dinner, I would assume. I went into the kitchen to see my mom.

" Hey mom, whatcha makin? " I asked curious, due mainly to the delicious aroma that filled the house.

" Your favorite, y'know with it being your last day of school. Pork chops with corn on the cob. " she told me.

" Wow, thanks mom. " I told her. My day just got better and better. I had a amazing mom and amazing friends, what more could I ask for? I decided to see what my little sister was making.

" Hey Lyla, whatcha makin? " I asked her.

" A picture. " she responded without taking a eye of her creation.

" Can I see it? " I asked her, knowing what the response would be.

" No, not till its finished. " she replied as bluntly as usual. I knew she wouldn't tell me. She never does. She likes keeping her art works secret till she's done, I guess its cause she wants to show the finished product rather then a half completed one.
I decided to help my mom out a little and clean up the house. She was always doing stuff for Lyla and me, so I wanted to give thanks for that. Cleaning up our house was usually pretty easy. Lyla was good about cleaning up her messes, from making her masterpieces. My mom and I never really made messes. So cleaning everything was a breeze, and only took about thirty minutes.
It was about 5 : 30 when I finished. By then it was time for dinner. We all sat around the table and ate the delicious food my mom prepared.

" So how was your girls last days? " my mom asked directing it to me and Lyla.

" Good. " Lyla said with no further detail.

" It went well. We didn't really do much, since it was the last day. We mostly just socialized with our friends. " I told them both.

" Well that's great girls. " my mom told us.

" Hey mom, can I go to the drive in with my friends tomorrow night around 7 : 30? " I asked, knowing she would probably say yes.

" Sure. " she said. By the time we finished eating it was 6 : 00. Lyla and me played outside for a while, our mom was knitting on the porch as she watched us. We all went inside at about 8 : 00. I was really tired from school and playing with Lyla. So, I decided to get ready for bed. I didn't want to be tired for tomorrow. It took me about fifteen minutes to get ready, then I got in bed. As soon as I hit the pillow, sleep overtook me almost instantly.

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